
In truth, what had gone down in Ha-Dûna was unfortunate, but necessary. Necessity however, did not make Thaa feel much better about it. It was this in part which turned his attention away from action on Galbar and back to another project that had been rather ongoing. Meeting the other deities, and while he had certainly found some that had been useful in his time, he still had far more that he needed to achieve at the very least a basic understanding of as it was clear they all were becoming more active in the world. 

In particular there was a certain one that had always been something of a puzzle to him. While he could clearly delineate moral behavior and immoral action as per life on Galbar, for how could he otherwise act with such surety of purpose, he was not always so certain of his compatriots. This one deity always had the most curious goals, naming one thing and doing another, some aspects clearly at odds with those of their close allies. It was confusing to say the least, and Thaa did not want confusion.

Clearly the solution was to determine exactly their moral or immoral nature himself. While he did have them recommended from a deity he somewhat trusted, he also couldn’t merely rely upon such a thing, especially with how much might have changed in the intervening years. It was now with such thoughts that Thaa called out to the mind he knew would be there of his fellow deity.

[color=Fuchsia]“Gibbou, Mistress of the Moon, Goddess of the Night, I wish to speak with you in person.”[/color]

There came a soft hum and a knock of wood against wood. A sing-songy voice offered a sweet [colour=lightblue]”Hello!”[/colour] and made a gentle sniff. [colour=lightblue]”Thiiiiiis is an unfamiliar voice… Or voices. Is this Aich playing a prank on me?”[/colour]

In a calm tone Thaa replied in his voice that was a choir of the dead, [color=Fuchsia]“This is no prank. I am Thaa, Guardian of the Afterlife, Protector of Souls and God of Death. I would not expect you to have heard of me, but I know of you and much of your work.”[/color]

[colour=lightblue]”Huh.”[/colour] There was another knock of wood against wood. [colour=lightblue]”Say, uh, if you wanna come over, I’m making cupcakes. Blueberry.”[/colour] Another sniff. 

[color=Fuchsia]“I’m sure you think that would be lovely. Where exactly are you and how do I get there?”[/color]

[colour=lightblue]”Oh, it’s the, uh, the blueish white portal labelled ‘Moon, sweet moon’ and a kinda smelly bush next to it. No idea what -that’s- about. Someone must’a, must’a... Anyway, yeah, just, uh, come on by and we’ll have a chat!”[/colour] There came a sheepish lip smack. [colour=lightblue]”You said you were a god, right?”[/colour]

[color=Fuchsia]“I see. Yes, I am a God. I’ll be there shortly enough.”[/color]

With that Thaa stepped out of his own portal and into the landscape that was Antiquity. He decided to keep it modest, only a few thousand bodies to form a body as he walked forward, his great Eye searching for the correct portal.

There came a rush of metal in his mind, followed by a soft knock of steel against steel and the closing of a metallic door. [colour=lightblue]”Phew! That’s that set to bake… Say, you found the way?”[/colour]

Thaa’s eye searched among those portals that could be approximately the one, although he was taking his time. [color=Fuchsia]“I am still looking I must admit.”[/color]

[colour=lightblue]”Cool, coolcoolcool.”[/colour] There was a pause. [colour=lightblue]”Ssssoo… Nice space weather we’re having. Yeah. Yeah, the stars really, uh, twinkle tonight.”[/colour]

[color=Fuchsia]“An unusual amount of atmosphere you must have there, I only noticed twinkling once I came into the reaches of Galbar that time so long ago. I haven’t been to the moon, does it have much atmosphere? Various gasses, vapors and the like I mean.”[/color] Thaa carefully looked over each portal, he realized that the direction of a bush might be obscured by the portal itself.

[colour=lightblue]”No, uh, no, it doesn’t, actually. Preeeetty barren in terms of, well… Everything.”[/colour] There came a sheepish whistle. [colour=lightblue]”I sometimes wish there was life on it, honestly.”[/colour]

[color=Fuchsia]“Why would you wish that?”[/color] The response was quick and harsh in tone.

[colour=lightblue]”Woah, hey, no need to get offended. I, just as it happens, like to have it lively around me. Okay, that’s not actually true, but I like looking at life and stuff at a distance. I mean, it would’ve been nice if there was a grove or something on the horizon I could look at. Is that too much to ask?”[/colour] There came a smack of lips. [colour=lightblue]”Actually, why -haven’t- I made something like that?”[/colour]

Thaa took a moment to collect himself before replying. [color=Fuchsia]“I am simply concerned is all. Listen, I will help you make whatever you wish so that it is all to your liking and won’t be of any other lingering issues. After all it is a good way to get to know someone, to create with them as it were. I believe I have found your portal in any case.”[/color]

Thaa poked his eye and the disk it was emplaced through the portal evidently carved with ‘Moon, sweet moon’ to gain a good look before he fully entered. On the other side, he was greeted by a barren, black lunar surface forever suspended in the shadow of the moon itself, above which stretched the eternal void of space. The realm was devoid of sound, and between the stars and Galbar itself, one could see a myriad of celestial creatures dance through the nothingness. A few curious celestial foxes quickly turned tail upon seeing him, and a dormiron, the only one of its kind to live on the moon, raised its head warily from its lair atop Gibbou’s glass dome in response to the death god’s entrance. Deep shocks, inaudible to those without godly hearing, gently rustled through the ground crust - it was the sound of opening doors. Within a few seconds, the glass dome’s outer door opened, revealing a small, blue humanoid dressed in a midnight t-shirt and a pair of baggy sweatpants. On her feet, she wore racoon slippers. She gestured widely to the surroundings.

[colour=lightblue]”Hello, Thaa, and welcome to the moon! Make yourself at home while I get those cupcakes.”[/colour] With a flick of her hand, she twisted the lunar ground before Thaa into a stone table and two stools. 

So greeted Thaa quickly began entering fully, his eye shifting along the surface of his great mass of bodies to gaze upon the various facets and features of a realm so strange to him. He seated a singular body, attached a multitude of animals to the main mass, one of a long forgotten person of a long dead race, at the stool closest. Thaa replied as he did so, [color=Fuchsia]“It is quite the interesting locale you have made for yourself here, seeing this surface so close and clearly provides a great insight into a situation that had been so unclear so near the beginning of my separation from the lifeblood. The life here does seem to be of quite a different quality to that found on Galbar, of a quite different necessity.”[/color]

Gibbou exited her glass bubble home with a tray of physics-defying, steaming blueberry cupcakes. [colour=lightblue]”Yeah, I mostly just get visitors from space. Sirius’ celestials come and go and that’s about it. I mean, Wuffles hangs around, too, and she’s nice.”[/colour] She paused as she conjured forth plates for the two of them. [colour=lightblue]”Oh, Wuffles is the dragon, by the way.”[/colour] She thumbed over at the coil of fur and pillowy dow that was the dormiron atop her dome. It stared back at Thaa with instinctive wariness. 

[color=Fuchsia]“Oh yes I had wondered who exactly had created those. I too had created a kind of dragon as I took to calling it, with some help I have to admit. Although they are of an entirely different sort.”[/color] Thaa’s eye stayed focused on the goddess although the great mound of corpses shifted somewhat, more solidly anchoring to the ground nearby rather than being ready for mobility. Thaa entirely ignored the dormiron and it’s gaze as he spoke once more, [color=Fuchsia]“I have not met Sirius nor do I know much of these celestials, my stay in space was relatively brief and quite focused when we were all more solidly on Galbar.”[/color]

[colour=lightblue]”That so, huh?”[/colour] she mumbled in response and sat down. She gestured at the steaming muffins. [colour=lightblue]”Help yourself, by the way,”[/colour] she offered politely before continuing, [colour=lightblue]”Are you thirsty, by the way?”[/colour]

[color=Fuchsia]“No.”[/color] The body sat in the stool opposite Gibbou went to pick up one of the muffins, Thaa’s eye momentarily shifted to look at them before switching back to solidly gaze upon Gibbou. The moon goddess shrugged.

[colour=lightblue]”Oh, okay.”[/colour] She waited politely for Thaa to take a muffin, and helped herself to two. After biting into one of them, she sniffed quietly and spoke, [colour=lightblue]”So, uh… What’d ya wanna talk about?”[/colour]

[color=Fuchsia]“I wished to speak of you.”[/color]

Gibbou blinked through a frown. [colour=lightblue]”Yuh-yeah, I got that. About what?”[/colour]

[color=Fuchsia]“Your motives, your desires, your fears for the future. I want to know whether I can trust you, and to do that I must know who you are. In truth I was inclined not to, but your actions have confused that, and a friend of mine put in a good word for you so long ago. I am here to see what to make of you, as I am sure you will try to see what to make of me.”[/color] Thaa simply answered as if purely matter of fact.

Gibbou chewed slowly. [colour=lightblue]”Uh… Huh...“[/colour] She swallowed. [colour=lightblue]”Is this an interrogation or something? An interview? What am I applying for? Or being tried for?”[/colour]

The body sat across from her still held its muffin, Thaa’s gaze remained fixed upon the lunar goddess. He spoke. [color=Fuchsia]“At this time it is merely a friendly chat. Evil forces work upon Galbar every moment, they must be met and exceeded by the forces of righteous action. I want to see where I can expect you to fall.”[/color]

Gibbou frowned. [colour=lightblue]”Okay, rude. I invite you into my home for muffins and you immediately tell me you expect me to fail at what I’m doing. Very friendly of ya, yeah - look, if you just came to make fun of me, just get your laughs out and leave, please…”[/colour] She put her muffin down on her plate. [colour=lightblue]”Now my appetite’s gone, too…”[/colour]

If Thaa ever blinked his eye, he most certainly would have upon hearing that. [color=Fuchsia]“I have no understanding of you, nor do I think this is a laughing matter. I know not of what you want, I know not of what ills or hurts have been inflicted upon you. I have seen many of your creations and their unmitigated success on Galbar, of the great good you have wrought. And yet you are a complicated person who I cannot place.”[/color]

[color=Fuchsia]“I came to see if you could be trusted, if you were moral as actions of yours so strongly suggest, not to be ‘friendly’ or to make fun of you. Where you get such an idea or what you truly mean by it I care not to ask. Instead I’ll put a final question to you, do you want me to leave and make this the end of it?”[/color]

[colour=lightblue]”You literally said you’re here for a ‘friendly chat’, but I ain’t feelin’ it. Look, if you need something, say what that is and we’ll get it over with. Otherwise, well, the portal’s there, have as many muffins as you want - I’ll be in my dome doing… Something.”[/colour]

Thaa now replied with a tinge of frustration, [color=Fuchsia]“I said this was a friendly chat not that I came here for it. But since my presence is so clearly odious to you I will leave. The dead make better company anyway, something so long as it is in my power you will not know.”[/color]

Gibbou made an almost pitying frown. [colour=lightblue]"Woah, okay, taking -that- stance on the way out, alright."[/colour] She breathed deep. [colour=lightblue]"You have a good one with those, uh, dead people, then."[/colour] She stood up from her chair, spun on her slippered heel and shuffled her way towards her dome. 

Thaa simply turned to return the way he came.

[hider=Summary]We open with Thaa who is thinking on fairly recent events before deciding to get to the bottom of what kind of person this ‘Gibbou’ character is and what can be done there. He starts talking to her and she invites him over they talk as Thaa has some trouble locating the portal before finally getting there. Talking does not go well, Gibbou accuses Thaa of making fun of her/and general mockery, Thaa continues being Thaa and thusly doesn’t deescalate anything. Gibbou goes back to her dome, and Thaa leaves.
[hider=MP Summary]
None Spent