[color=0072bc][h3]Ardur The Mighty Hipixie[/h3][/color]  [color=92278f] To Glory > Tactical Retreat /// Adventuring day 5 // Evening > Night / Location - The edge of the shimmering pool > Hopeful moving toward the exit [/color]

The water was cold and refreshing yet it all ebbed away when he saw the carnage the others had been dealing out. The sheer amount of undead crushed or beaten below their feet somewhat reminded him of some of the civil war battles where piles of the dead began to form their own small hills. Yet even through this carnage the monsters kept coming. Ardur could see the vast numbers of them, a slow moving mass with one pulsing red gleam behind them urging them forward. This core was very dangerous.

Trent was the first to notice his return while the high pixie healed his spider friend. The boy and the others all seemed to be taking quite the beating. Ardur only paused for a moment to use monster Analysis I on those monsters he could see to try and feel out the opposition. Before he could tell the boy to pay attention the sword shot out from the water behind him and sliced a lizard in half before clattering to the ground.

After healing mother slime, he could see that the next step was retreating out of here. A hard fought idea but there was little choice for anything else. They were ill equipped and prepared for the fight but they had to keep going or be over run. Asura seemed to have the same thought as he was healed, yet Trent had a good point. It would be giving them the advantage. 

A zombie pixie caught him off guard with a curse spell while he was thinking about what to do next. The chill of the curse he was sure he had felt before. While he watched Trent start to maneuver towards the sword Ardur called out to Dhulfiqar feeling Galantine’s courage dissipate while heat and anger grew with in him. At the very least he learned only one of their boons could be active at the same time. Before he could react to anything more Trent reached the sword. 


Trent’s yell made him look over to him, the boy looked older for some reason, like he hadn’t slept or eaten in days. Perhaps this is what the sword was talking about when it spoke of needing more mana or maybe what the effects of mana drain look like on a human. Either way, the sword howled almost making his head hurt as the sword seemed to glow slightly and Trent yelled again. Whatever he was casting was taking a lot of mana to accomplish. 

[u][b]“DEPTH CHARGE!”[/b][/u]

The water from the pool rose up from behind him and followed the blade down to the floor as a condensed sphere. The pressure from it reminded him of a fire truck hose, the enemy’s caught in it responded like they were hit with one. Flesh peeled, bones cracked, stone reshaped, and all were sent back, most to the floor. Ardur tried his best to analyze what he could of what he just saw but was unsure what he would gleam from it. Trent was on his knees now but at least their exit was clear enough.

Ardur looked to Trent and the others, “[color=92278f]Get him up and out of here, now is our chance to go![/color]” He ordered, the anger in his chest getting the better of him. [color=92278f]“Steve web the broken ground to slow them down more and follow them out.”[/color] Ardur knew charging into battle would mean death, still he was in a stone cave with a cracked and broken floor in front of him. 

Picking up 4 stones the Mighty High Pixie used his strength, Physical conditioning, point strike, and acquired anger to throw the stones at the closest enemy’s and the downed skeletons. Stopping for a moment to try and pull the mana of the earth to the stone. Somewhat like he did for meditate only instead of pulling the mana into him he pulled it into the stone. With this stone Ardur used the full ability of his strength, skills, and rage to target the distant red gleam of the dungeon core. Fully aware that it likely would not reach he tried anyway, [color=92278f][b]"Point Strike!"[/b][/color] he yelled as he threw it, much like a base ball pitcher. If the others had started to move on by then, Ardur would follow picking up more rocks and throwing them at the closest enemy’s as they made their retreat.


[hider=Ardur's character stats]
[b]Level:[/b] 7
[b]Steve Level:[/b] 4

[b]Health:[/b] 100%
[b]Mana:[/b] 0%
[b]Stamina:[/b] 25%



[b]Inventory:[/b] bow horn venison x15 lbs.
+Cooked bow horn venison 5 Lbs.
+Rubber Frog skin Backpack - This item is more elastic than it looks. Can hold 15 Small Items. The number of items held may be affected by larger items that take up more space. It is more durable than most raw materials due to its rubbery composition, but without proper care it may degrade over time.

+Beetle Bracer - This item for your Arm makes you feel slightly tougher.
+Bone Breastplate - This item for your Torso makes you feel slightly tougher.
+Grass Skirt - This item is fragile and flammable, but serves as decent clothing.

+Sharp Stone
+Beetle Mandible - Rather hard and sharp on its own, it might be sturdy enough to refine.
+Old Leg Bone - 

[b]Current Party:[/b] Asura, Mother Slime, Steve, and himself... I guess Trent is here too

[b]Magic/Skills:[/b] Shield II, Lesser Flight III, Minor Heal III, Physical Conditioning I, Fire Resistance I, Taming II, Fireball I, Stronger II, Crafting II, Muffle I, Inspire I, Guidance I, Spell chant I, Use light equipment, Meditation I, Point Strike I, Keen Sight I, Material Analysis I, Monster Analysis I, Alert I, Lesser Cleanse I, Mana Strike I, Faster I, Throw Item I, Stone Shot I,

[b]Kills for current level: [/b] 1x skeleblin, allot

- purify an Item for Galatine

[b]Long term Quests:[/b]
- bring a hero to Undine the sword in the pool.
- find a way to worship all 3 sun spirits.
