[center][h3][color=fff200]Heskin Salvescale[/color][/h3]


[@Shadow Dragon]

The larger of the two chuckled at to the smaller.

[b]"Mages aren't so bad. Sure, they think too much of themselves, but over all they're decent chaps."[/b]

[color=fff200][i]Perhaps you have only met a few mages then![/i] [/color]Heskin chided the blacksmith in his head. [color=fff200][i]Their vanity extends not only their mannerisms, but how they treat everything like it is merely a toy to be played with! The countless people killed, crippled, and ruined by magic outnumber the little that is has helped...[/i][/color]

His thoughts were cutoff by the chuckle, which crescendoed into uproarious laughter.
[b]"If you couldn't handle your drink, you'd be out cold right now. I tell that just from the smell on your breath. I'm Zandex. Zandex Corean. My friends call me Dex. And if you're looking for a fight, I'd not recommend fighting a warrior who's a blacksmith by trade. I can bend metal with my bare hands."[/b] 

Heskin wasn't looking to fight, especially with such a brute. At least at close range. Perhaps given some distance, Heskin could have used some of his contraptions to fight him off, kiting the walking fortresses into submission. His hand went to to the satchel where he kept such devices as he thought of this.

[color=fff200][i]Bending metal with his hands is quite a feat... But I don't believe this man is looking to harm me. [/i][/color] Heskin's claws went back to his side. [color=fff200][i]He seems quite jovial, as matter of fact. No need for any contraptions.[/i][/color]

With a loud clang, Zandex brought the large hammer to his shoulder plate and Heskin was once again brought out of his inner monolouge.

[b]"I'm looking for an adventuring group. I like to travel, but it's dangerous to go alone. That's why I take this."[/b] 

[color=fff200]"I was looking for opportunity for coin,"[/color] Heskin replied, reaching towards his leather backpack to grab something. [color=fff200]"I won't commit myself to your group, but as I was looking for someone else to take a job with, I see a temporary companionship could be beneficial to us both."[/color]

Heskin grabbed a worn handheld rod made of metal from his pouch. The contrast of the exemplary quality of the armor right in front of him made him realize how beaten it had become over the years. Slightly embarrassed, Heskin clicked the button on it and it immediately extended into a walking cane. He hoped the functionality and ingenuity of the item distracted from its poor condition.

[color=fff200]"I agree to travel with you, Zandex Corean, if you were offering the position to me."[/color] Heskin said, slinging the backpack back over his shoulder. He turned to where he thought was the direction of the nearest notice board and began walking. [color=fff200]"The day grows short, so there is little time to waste. I suggest we take a look at the notice board, unless you had other ideas on how to find work."[/color]