[b]"I agree to travel with you, Zandex Corean, if you were offering the position to me."[/b] Heskin said, slinging the backpack back over his shoulder. He turned to where he thought was the direction of the nearest notice board and began walking. [b]"The day grows short, so there is little time to waste. I suggest we take a look at the notice board, unless you had other ideas on how to find work."[/b]

He chuckles, and walks with him. He studies the extendable cane, and rubs his chin. "I could fix up your walking stick. As well as adding a ruin or two to keep it from rusting, if you wish. We'd have to make a quick stop, but I keep a small forge with me at all times." He reaches into his bag, and his hand goes much deeper then it visibly should. He pulls out various tools, sorting them back into the pouch.

He nods to himself, and pulls out a long, silvered quarterstaff, and studies it. "Do you want to use this while I fix up your cane? Free of charge, of course." He holds it out, seeing if he'll take the offer.