Welcome, scoundrels! To the greatest day of your lives, just one more job away. Or so you claim. You three have been selected by necessity, and for your desperation. But with some hard earned skills, a little bit of luck, and a lack of inhibition, you just might hit it big. Before you do, you need to decide your role, your ship, and most importantly, what kind of criminals you wish to be! I might have a penchant for violence but maybe you prefer the smugglers route? It's not my job as DM to tell you what to do or who you are. I'm just here to help you know what happens when you make your choices...that and I might make a few cool NPC's along the way.
Your Roles
- Mechanic
- Muscle
- Mystic
- Pilot
- Scoundrel
- Speaker
- Stitch
Your Ship Choices
- Stardancer
- Cerberus
- Firedrake
Your Jobs
- Smuggler/Illicit Runner/Black Market Merchants
- Bounty Hunting/ Extraction Specialists
- Sabatoge/Rebellious Activities/Thievery
The PDF you will need.