[color=6ecff6][b][h3] Terneus Andros [/h3][/b][/color]

[b][color=6ecff6]"I can recognize one of my kind from a far distance, to mistake you for being anything else would be folly if not outright unfitting." [/color][/b]The governor said in a satisfied tone, it was more a indication to his own vast skills of perception and deduction rather than the woman herself. After all, he was the one who truly mattered in the end, at least to his gracious self.

[color=6ecff6][b]"Former lady-in-waiting to a queen?"[/b][/color] Terneus raised an eyebrow aloft, as he said it in a surprised manner. What were this woman on about? There were no queens as far as he knew, them royals had been dealt with way back, either by abdication or... misplacement. This elven woman, which was now being graced with his impressive presence. She was behaving in a suspicious way. Not only did she have the gall to mention the attack on his person, but also having the audacity to remind him of it. He gritted his teeth slightly before replying.

[b][color=6ecff6]"As for the humans, they fetch a fine price on being captured and brought to his majesty, Aklenroth Grimuth. And rivaling my power? Obviously it would have to involve trickery and other forms of sneaky and underhanded things, I mean how else could they possibly pose a threat to me or the king? You worries are noted, but I can assure you that your benevolent benefactor is quite safe. I mean, it took thirty-seven assassins to even lay a hand of me. I am sure you didn't hear all about it as most of them died or scattered before my brilliant radiance. Despite all this a human does bring out curiousity, even in one so highly humble as myself."[/color][/b]

Terneus began to stroke his own attire in a satisfied manner, it felt great hearing his own voice at times. It always seemed to bring him out of thinking of more damned things. [color=6ecff6][b]"Dear Caius? Have you given it a name? Next it might eveN try speak properly. Oh and I do know how so many can be arrogant, I mean those would-be-assassins certainly were arrogant beyond belief. Aha-hah."[/b][/color] He gave an amused chuckle, which some seemed like mock laugh. Then the creature, whatever species it was decided it was time to practice manners, which made the ever watchful protector of the elves raise his other eyebrow.

[color=6ecff6][b]"So it can make sentences, not only receive them. How quaint. Oh and for certain your... people if you can call them that are indeed plagued."[/b][/color] The elf said in softer tone as he stroked his ego, making him feel like this was indeed a good time to display his fairness in a different light. The elf spread his arms and manifested a very bright light to surround him, like the shine of the sun. [color=6ecff6][b]"Am I not truly stunning to you, beastman? Am I not as radiant as the stars?"[/b][/color] He said in a higher tone, surfing on his own magnificence as if it were a wave out at the sea, but even the seas could surely not compare with his grand visage.

Though as the elf was beaming with light he came back to the thought. [color=6ecff6][b]'Queen. Avalia has no queen... this woman is attempting to deceive me. I am not certain if I should be impressed of her bravery or folly. I will pry it from her, all elves fall under -my- governance.'[/b][/color] The elf smiled as the light began to fade. "I think we should speak more after this here ball." He looked to Elsea, his eyes travelling over Umber on it's way there, but his eyes wouldn't linger on him. Who knews what illness of the eyes which he could attain by watching something so inferior and ugly compared to his grandeur.