So before I begin, let me get this Need-to-Know information out of the way as a copy and paste from my other interest check: [hider=18+ Information] Please, if you message me with interest in RPing with me, please respond to each of the following things so that I know you read and understand each of them: 1:) My RPs tend to be very smut heavy. I would say about 50/50 smut/story, but it can easily be more smutty than that. I'm open to RPs that are even 100% smut, but it really depends on the partner and the setting chosen. 2:) I play futa characters. If you don't know what that means, feel free to look it up. I'd rather not state publicly, even in a hider what it is. You could also just ask but, I think it's easier to just do a google search for the definition before even messaging me. [color=ed1c24]Update 2020 - I am fine playing normal females. But if I do, I prefer my partner play futas. So I am fine playing either gender, as long as someone plays each.[/color] 3:) I prefer my partners to play characters with large chests. It's difficult to publicly talk about how big is "big" since each person sees things differently, but feel free to ask and I can give more details in private. But it's safe to say I like "Fantastical Sizes" so to speak. 4:) I like many different ways of playing, however I prefer that one way or another there be multiple characters. In this RP specifically, I'm looking for a sort of RP where me and my partner each play one [u][b]or[/b][/u] two 'main characters', and then they meet many side characters along the way that we each play, some who will only be seen once, others who may become recurring characters. [/hider] So now that that's out of the way, let me get on to the RP idea in question. The basic idea is that our characters get sucked into the virtual world, and they don't know how or why it happened. Think Wreck-it-Ralph where all these different games and such are virtually connected. Our characters have the job of running around from place to place, visiting these worlds to try and find a way to get themselves out and back into the real world. This can also include other forms of media, like movies or anime and whatnot. This is going to involve a lot of Canon Play. So for people who aren't comfortable playing Canon Characters (If you don't know what that means, it means existing characters in a Fandom. Think, Samus Aran, Zelda, Quiet from MGS5) then this probably isn't the RP for you. If you aren't familiar with a setting or fandom that's perfectly fine, as our characters can be unfamiliar with the setting and we can sort of live that through them. Anyways, please PM me if you're interested or want to know more.