[center][color=#40C4FF][b]Time:[/b][/color] [color=#CFD8DC] Night
[color=#40C4FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Roshmi Grand Ball
[color=#40C4FF][b]Mention:[/b][/color] [@princess] - Risa, [@FunnyGuy] - Darius, [@Tae] - Elsea 
[color=#40C4FF][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@Tae] - Torvi, [@helo] - Bowyn [/color]
[color=#40C4FF][b]Ambience:[/b][/color] [url=https://open.spotify.com/track/4VqPOruhp5EdPBeR92t6lQ?si=Bd43DP5-SCmCGAh2ixMXWw]Uprising[/url][/center]

Belle’s eyes widened when Torvi provided her information. If the greeter was one of Aklenroth’s goons, then perhaps he was the mystery voice inside of her. Though it had been quiet, Belle hadn’t let her guard down. She started to agree with leaving, when an image appeared from an orb on the walls of the ballroom. It was the asme fairy princess from earlier who had garnered some much attention. Belle watched as the nervous fairy, riddled with anxiety, began to speak. She watched her then clenched her fists when she admitted to having a hand in them coming. Belle gritted her teeth. She wasn’t sure if she was upset or somewhat happy to be here. Her mind wandered to Elleta and the Golden Death. She felt tension rise, but as she looked over at Torvi and Bowyn...

Here, she had friends. Friends who accepted her for her actions and self; who trusted and also liked her. She hadn’t been sure if it had been genuine, though the past few days had proven ehr otherwise. She was slow to trust, but it had been easy to fall into line and befriend them. Would they accept her if she knew her [i]truly?[/i] Would they accept her for being a coward on Earth and ratting out her gang, for selling drugs and the like; from breaks in and assaults to rioting and looting…. She had told herself it had been to survive. It had been, otherwise she’d have starved and died in the streets. Her mother hadn’t been well enough to care for her. Just [i]thinking[/i] of her mother sent waves of fury and rage coursing through her. How could that woman have lived with herself? Her mind raced. Her own actions though had been forgiven, but she hadn’t quite forgiven herself. How could she lead when all she knew was violence and criminology? She glanced down at the floor with shame and guilt rising, then back up emotionless. Here, she could make a difference, to owe up to everything she had done, the lives and businesses ruined… [color=tan][i]Do better, be better[/i],[/color] is what Lysandra had always told her to remind her of being good and doing unto others. Besides, she was going to hell anyways….

By the time the fairy had finished, Belle was trying to catch up, having been caught in her reverie. She stared with horror as the image changed to reflect a dead one instead. Judging by the Princess’ screams, it had been someone she knew. Whoever it was suffered a gruesome  fate. She felt her stomach churn as if it were on an amusement park ride and faced her friends. Their lives were in critical danger. Akelnroth would definitely respond. She glanced around as her heart began racing. People were in panic mode and also delighted by the rebellion. Belle swallowed and turned to her friends. She watched as Torvi embraced Bowyn and kissed his cheek. Though she was silent for the moment, Belle agreed with her friends’ statement. She felt awful inside. When Torvi spoke and hugged her, Belle managed a giggle. [color=#40C4FF]”Yeah, definitely. She pulled the wrong ones over.”[/color] Belle teased and turned to Bowyn. [color=#40C4FF]”Bowyn, I’m also really sorry. I am so sorry you’re in danger now.”[/color] She faced them both and glanced around. Her head whipped out the side as she heard some tall man yelling about fighting Aklenroth. She grimaced and turned to face the others. 

[color=#40C4FF]”Let’s go out the back door - less people.”[/color] She began to say, when a red haired female jumped up on a table. Belle watched with wide eyes as she tore off her mask and elf ears. Another human! Giddy with excitement, Belle watched her and chewed her lip. She listened to the woman and locked her eyes on her. She clenched her hands into fists and  glanced around to see Elleta shaking her head. The woman did not know that she had been identified already, or about the voice. She’d have to explain it to her later. Belle swallowed. The Golden Death was here, and they looked to her as their leader. Either she’d embrace it, or leave it, and it didn’t seem as if it was a viable option to leave. Running away… Running away would make her a coward and Gaia hadn’t raised a coward. Belle gritted her teeth and looked at her friends. Her heart sank as she realized this might be the last time that she saw them. [color=#40C4FF]”Both of you need to get out.”[/color] Belle’s tone became serious as she began to back away. [color=#40C4FF]”I have enjoyed both of your friendships, and I wish nothing more for you to get to safety. Take the back door, and get out now.”[/color] 

Belladonna took a deep breath and took her shoes off as she jumped onto a table away from her friends. She tore off her elf ears and mask. She set them by her feet and held her head high. [color=#40C4FF]”Humans against Aklenroth!” [/color] Belle shouted as she raised a fist in the air. Some heads turned to face her as she let out a grin. Elleta, Morgayne, Rosemary and the like were staring at her with wide-eyes. There was a mixture of pride and also fear in their eyes, but they weren’t intervening. Elleta looked poised to move if anyone attacked her. She could feel the eyes of people watching her, but most importantly, the Golden Death. [color=#40C4FF]”Down with the Lich! We may be different species, but we all have one thing in common: our hearts beat the same. We should be able to live with peace and harmony, and not in fear and hatred. Humans, I implore you to stand up and fight! Side with the Princess and bring harmony and peace to Avalia!”[/color] Belle stared at everyone and kept an impassive expression on her face. Her heart hadn’t beat this hard since the gang. She was prepared to fight and defend if necessary if it meant that Bowyn and Torvi would be able to escape. Besides, she was a leader wasn’t she? What kind of leader would bail on the rebellion? [/color]

[color=gold][i]'Oh mama, we all go to Hell....'[/i][/color]