[center][h3][color=lightcoral]Corvina[/color][/h3] [color=silver]
[color=lightcoral][b]Time:[/b][/color] Night
[color=lightcoral][b]Location:[/b][/color] Roshmi Grand Hall
[color=lightcoral][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@Tae] - Kenia ✦ [@princess] - Malachi
[color=lightcoral][b]Mention[/b][/color] [@FunnyGuy] - Darius ✦ [@Tae] - Elsea ✦ 
[color=lightcoral][b]Ambience/Aesthetic[/b][/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5e/07/c7/5e07c73b8624efbc49d619ff14903c40.jpg]Shade[/url] + [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXEnAuzjgKU]The Devil Within[/url] [/color]
[color=silver]Cora rejoined Kenia and Malachi with tremors in her hands. She hugged both of them tightly, lingering more with Kenia. After she let go, they went to sit down. She wasn’t planning on telling trembling Kenia what he had said in fear of upsetting her. Now wasn’t the time or place. She was still reeling from her encounter. She jumped at the sudden image of Risa appearing on the screen. Cora felt her heart ache for Risa’s nervousness, but felt pride when she gained  confidence. From there, the girl’s speech rolled on like a thunderstorm. Cora smiled faintly, then covered her mouth her hands to hide it. This princess was brave and admirable. She felt respect for the woman, whom she was glad to call her friend. Suddenly, the image flickered and Risa screamed. Cora briefly saw a gruesome image although thanks to Malachi, she hadn’t seen much of it. Wide-eyed and horrified, she turned and buried her head against his chest. Breathing unevenly and trembling now, Cora hugged him. Was this a possible fate for them? She hoped not. She let go when she felt Malachi begin to move and stared at him. Her vision blurred as she whipped her teary eyes. 

[color=lightcoral]”Yes, I think we should go right now.”[/color] Cora began to say when a man jumped on a table and began shouting his support for Risa. Others joined it, as the chants grew louder. The tension was tangible and could’ve been sliced through with a knife. To her surprise and horror, Elsea joined the shouting and jumped on a table and revealed her humanity. Her heart sank and crushed as she began fearing for the woman’s life. Next, a smaller and blonder girl stood up to yell similar proclamations. Cora stared at the two humans, then up to her elven parents. Cora commended them for their courage, although it was foolish to do with Aklenroth's forces undoubtedly here. She planted her feet and refused to let her eagerness overwhelm her. This was not part of the plan… Now what did they do? 

As Cora moved to begin distancing herself from the chaos, she bumped into a red haired green-eyed Elven woman. The woman's black dress caught under her shoe and caused her to trip. Cora cried out and slammed into the floor as the women turned to face her. Briefly, her ears slipped and she quickly pulled her hands up to adjust them. Her hair had hidden most of it, but it had been enough for the women to notice. The woman stared at her with shock and quickly lent her a hand to pull her up. [color=lightcoral]”Thank you Miss, I am so sorry.”[/color] She quickly said and stared at her with a frown. 

[color=#CE93D8]”That is quite all right my dear. It was my fault more than anything.”[/color] She turned to face the others with a friendly smile. [color=CE93D8]”I think we best all be leaving now, as it should abruptly… make a turn for the worst. Have a great evening, ladies and gent.”[/color] The woman disappeared into the crowd. Cora rubbed her eyes and faced the others with confusion. As she went to s[peak, she felt a cold chill run through her spine as the woman whispered for only Cora to hear, [color=CE93D8]”Until we meet again, Little Phoenix.”[/color] Cora whirled around to stare where the voice had come from, but saw nothing. Cora’s jaw dropped and she quickly began turning in each direction to find it, but there was nothing.

[color=lightcoral]”What the hell?”[/color] Was she imagining it? Her heart rate quickened up as she stared with wide eyes and pale skin. [color=lightcoral]”I want to leave right now.”[/color] Her voice cracked as she felt frustration and anxiety beginning to rise. She moved closer to the elves for protection and sniffled. She missed Rei and hoped he was doing all right. He wasn’t missing anything here.[/color]