As the plane made a smooth landing passengers applauded for the pilots, but Maël was in the mood for much bigger celebration. He would have liked to light a few rockets for the regained freedom of his knees... while saving the rocket propelled grenades for use against his boss. From the moment he had stepped onto the gangway until right into the hall where passengers were supposed to get back their luggage his eyes tracked Eleanor like that of a giant bird of prey. He needed to vent some steam and, maybe quite unfortunate for Eleanor, Clive proved to be an excellent thief-catcher at least for the moment, allowing him to retrieve his bag in calmness before addressing her.

"Eleanor ? If a blood clot should decide to detach from one of my lower leg veins now that they can finally move again and if that blood clot should also decide to get stuck in one of my coronar arteries, my ghost will make sure that you'll be held responsible for murder! I don't dare to ask for a higher class ticket, but something like a row one seat in economy would have been nice while you and Val decided to separate from the rest of the team in order to have all of the luxury available! Given that she looks like a shipwreck on two legs she probably didn't benefit too much from it! What a shame!"

And now the sarcasm set in.

"Why not put her and me into the cargo bay the next time ? She won't notice it anyway and you have to spend even less budget on me while still improving my legroom dramatically! Doesn't that sound like an attractive option ?"

[i]You forgot to mention the prospect of Edgar not being present. The man made a mock out of you...[/i]

Maël decided to ignore that comment from his alter ego for now, even though he was right in some way. Instead, he just stepped away from Eleanor, hoping to successfully deny her the opportunity to make a debate out of it, and turned his attention more towards Clive.

"Hey, erm... You are aware of the concept of [i]too much[/i] self-defense, aren't you ? Just don't overcook it, okay ?" While saying this he still started an attempt to wrestle the handle of Clive's bag out of the other man's hand. It was enough to notice how heavy it was, raising the question just what kind of stuff their madman had decided to take with him on this journey. The good side was: The weight had slowed the thief down.

[hider=Summary]Maël doesn't need his baggage to get stolen in order to be pissed off a little.[/hider]