[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gD9rVru.png[/img][/center] [color=AC5FFB]Time:[/color]Evening [color=AC5FFB]Location:[/color] Outskirts in the trees not far from Roshmi Hall [color=AC5FFB]Interactions:[/color][@Alivefalling][@Dezuel] [color=AC5FFB]BGM:[/color][url=https://youtu.be/ES0RM3Hwq8Q?t=47]Music[/url] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Z62x3Z.png[/img][/center] Knelt down on the tree branch, Risa was as frozen and in shock of the world as one might be as they awaited their executioner. His ax would drag against the ground audibly as he approached from behind, ready to remove the head of the person in question in one sweep as the victim knelt in the dirt for all to see. Risa had never seen an execution, but at this moment, she understood what it must have felt like to kneel there, waiting for one's impending doom... Her wide eyes were fixated downward at nothing in particular, her violet eyes lackluster and no different than that of a corpse's eyes who had been left open. She swallowed hard and painfully as she gripped the skirt of her gown with clammy hands as finally, a thought broke through her still mind: [color=AC5FFB][i]I want some water.[/i][/color] It felt as if Risa had knelt there for hours and it almost felt like she had been floating the whole time. She had lost awareness of her limbs and for a moment nothing mattered. It was a sort of peace she wished she could stay in forever. There had only been a few moments in reality that had passed before someone had grabbed her after she had fallen to her knees. The minute she felt the touch of another, the panic set in. [color=AC5FFB][i]Dionaea.[/i][/color] She saw Dionaea's facing when she had smiled back at her as they had run through the forest. Then she saw the young blonde girl as she kicked her legs in the river, her face reflected back in the water. She saw her face as she danced with a boy. As Dionaea studied in school. As she teased Kyran. Faces upon faces tumbled through her mind, the images getting more and more rapid in tune with her racing heart. Then she finally saw Dionaea, bloodied and lifeless. In that very moment, the reality of someone grabbing her set in and she wailed immediately, kicking backward at her attacker. [color=AC5FFB]"No! Leave me go!"[/color] Risa wailed, [color=AC5FFB]"Please! She needs me!"[/color] She wrestled to get free, hysterically crying and beating at his arms with her fists with as much strength as she could muster, even if that wasn't a lot. If Dionaea was nearby, she could still heal her. He had to give her a chance. If she was captured or killed now, Dionaea would be hopeless. She was just hurt and if Risa could just get to her... Then Elthrael's voice set in, though it was quite some time after he had first spoken: [color=aba000]"Time to fly!"[/color] [color=AC5FFB]"Elthrael..."[/color]She drew off in realization, her voice still choked up as she glanced down and looked for Kyran but he was nowhere to be seen. Before, she had truly lost her trust for the moth fairy, but now she was so torn and desperate she just wanted to convince him to help her find Dionaea and Kyran. She thought she saw the dark form of something running through the woods, but it was much too big to be him. Overwhelming panic and despair filled her as she realized the people she depended on all of her life were not here in this moment. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded, [color=AC5FFB]"Elthrael, please my friends need help."[/color]