[b]Master Chef[/b]
~[@Restalaan] (YNG), [@13org] (ADA), [@Rezod92]~

[quote=Yang Bethlehem]Come on then! I need a good exercise to burn up the food I just eaten!"[/quote]

Regardless if [u]Ada[/u] or [u]Kira[/u] had left [u]Yang's[/u] side as she ordered, the Ushi-Oni continued her attack. "[color=seagreen]Doesn't matter if there's three or three-hundred of you! I'll beat you all![/color]" 

The large, ferocious monster charged at [u]Yang[/u]. Everyone's eyes was toward the impromptu and unexpected fight. Only a few noticed a darting blur, a quick figure snatching a piece of meat from Nero's dish and heading right into the middle of the battle. It barely took a second, fast enough that the Ushi-Oni was not even close to [u]Yang[/u] when he arrived.

In a split-second, the blur of a figure passed by the spider monster who immediately stopped dead in her tracks. What he left behind was the strip of steak dangling in her mouth. The Ushi-Oni then sported a face of pure bliss as she grabbed hold of the steak and happily chewed and savored it.

"[color=navajowhite]Tastes pretty good, doeesn't it? You should've tasted the foods first before jumping into something troublesome.[/color]" Nero was the identity of the lightning fast figure. "[color=navajowhite]You still mad?[/color]"

"[color=seagreen]...Yes.[/color]" The Ushi-Oni lied between chews. "[color=seagreen]But I'll stop being mad if you make another one of these.[/color]"

"[color=navajowhite]I'll make you two.[/color]"


"[color=navajowhite]Sorry for raining on your parade, blondie.[/color]" Nero approached the guild members. The commotion had died down and people have began leaving with the contest now over. "[color=navajowhite]But a fight in this area between two titans of battle, as fun as that would be to watch, would leave a lot of stuff here messy. And you bet they're gonna make me clean it up, which I don't wanna do.[/color]"

The only people in the area were those still not done with their dishes or those who wanted more. "[color=navajowhite]Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival. That goes for you two as well.[/color]" Nero turned to [u]Ada[/u] and [u]Kira[/u]. "[color=navajowhite]Hmm, never seen her like before. Then again, I've never seen a Night Gaunt either. Who knows what monsters I didn't know that I didn't know.[/color]" He referred to [u]Ada[/u].

"[color=navajowhite]And you... are pretty.[/color]" Nero addressed [u]Kira[/u]. "[color=navajowhite]And also in dire need of a bath.[/color]"

The contest was over and the guild members were now free to roam around and enjoy the rest of the festival. Although, weren't they forgetting something?

[b]A Test Of Strength[/b]
~[@Restalaan] (DIT)~

[quote=Ditzy Stoneclub]"You decide punishment."[/quote]

"Alright. I'll just take this guy to jail and take his ill-begotten wealth for mysel-- I-I mean, return them to their rightful owners as much as possible." The real Ian said. "You know, you should've just looked at our font colors to tell us apart but your idea worked and that's what matters, right?"

[quote=Ditzy Stoneclub]"Want to play again to see who's strongest? We can arm-wrestle!"[/quote]

"[color=chocolate]Ha! I like you, Hobgoblin![/color]" The Minotaur laughed. "[color=chocolate]Sure, me and the tiger can take you on![/color]"

And so you, the Minotaur and the Jinko got a table and began challenging each other's arms. You managed to win several times and you were defeated several times. After a few more matches, others decided to join in and you had to challenge all sorts of figures. Some stronger than you thought. Others, weaker than you thought.

Soon, you had to back out since your arm was getting really tired from all the wrestling. "[color=chocolate]You're not bad. Not bad at all, little Hobgoblin.[/color]" The Minotaur laughed. "[color=chocolate]See ya around. Hope you enjoy the rest of the festival. Meanwhile, me and the tiger's gonna stick around here for awhile and enjoy the show.[/color]"

Just when you were about to leave, the true Ian North returned. "Hey, Ditzy! Forgot to give you this." He then handed you a strange token. Engraved on it was the rectangular head of a man with an ornate crown and a large beard. "Trust me. That's gonna be useful one day. You should use it when you and your guild are in a pinch and are in contact with some really beardy guys."

~[@13org] (FYR)~

[quote=Freyr][color=8dc73f]""I spent most of my life alone. I am not exactly 'good' with people... Or this kind of stuff." Freyr said in a low tone. The relationship between male and female Vieras is... complicated. Regarding me and Haley, I don't know. I don't know what or if she feels something nor... How and if I feel something anymore.""[/color][/quote]

"[color=steelblue]...Oh. I-I didn't know it was that bad. Sorry.[/color]" Sir Reed scratched the back of his head. "[color=steelblue]I'm not sure if this is helpful advice but, I think you just have to not think about it. Just let whatever happen, happen. W-Well, that's how I see it. Err, love comes in many forms and... you know what, forget I said anything. Sorry about that, Sir Freyr.[/color]"

The competition was soon resumed and the contestants were recalled. The new obstacle this time was shooting targets in the air. Specifially, shooting apples in the air. However, the apples would not be simply thrown into the air. They were to be dropped from a very high altitude which will force the competitors to take account the wind as well as the apples' small sizes in their shots. Who would fly to the air and drop the apples?

"[color=royalblue]Hey Freyr! I volunteered to help with the competition and they had just the thing for me.[/color]" Haley approached you with a basket of apples on her wing. "[color=royalblue]So I'm gonna fly really high up and then drop these while you guys try to shoot it. Hey, we may be guildmates, Freyr, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna make it easy for ya.[/color]"

And so, you and the other archers shot apples in the air. The altitude was not that great at first but as Haley got higher and higher, even you began to have difficulty. But who was truly lagging behind was the Cupid, her shots took more and more time and some were near-misses. It was surprising considering that the Kikimora maid monster was apparently more skilled than her.

As the Cupid made her next shots, you notice something. First, you see that she was using a different arrow this time for some reason. Second, you notice that she was aiming exactly at Haley and not at all the space under her.

[b]Quiz Bee[/b]

[quote=Ozzy Skyway][color=gold]"No. Spirit energy is a vital energy possessed by humans, and various other races, but not monsters."[/color][/quote]

"[color=mediumpurple]That's completely correct! One point for Mr. Skyway![/color]" Riñas declared.

"[color=slateblue]What? How is that--[/color]" The Lich stopped as she thought about your answer. "[color=slateblue]No, no. That makes sense. Of course, why did I not think of that?[/color]"

"[color=tan]I was overthinking it. I shan't be caught off-guard next time.[/color]" The Owl Mage told herself. "[color=tan]You watch yourself, Sir Skyway.[/color]"

"[color=mediumpurple]Alrighty then! On to the next question![/color]" Riñas pulled out another paper from the pail and began to read. "[color=mediumpurple]Should a human copulate with a monster, would their offspring always be a monster?[/color]"

The question was easy enough and like the previous question, the Owl Mage was the quickest amongst all. And like the previous question, she and the other conetestansts hesitated again. Their gazes, once more, turned to you. You realize that you had now broken one of the cardinal rules of this world by existing which was probably why they were hestitant to answer.

Yet another question for you to nab.