Okay, now that I've baited the potential interest of what I hope is the kind of person I'm looking for, let's begin. [u]Obligatory copy pasted requirements (still just a polite request)[/u] - I'd like to see at least a decent paragraph, if things just won't stretch then at least give me more to work with than "And he/she ate an apple while looking at you". I can go anywhere from a paragraph to a multi-paragraph megapost, it just depends on who I'm writing with and how I'm feeling about the story. - Please be at least 18 years of age. I like not having the FBI raid my home and tragically lose my cat in the process, he's old but I would still cry. - Just let me know what you do/do not what from the roleplay. There isn't much I'll shy away from but I know people have their limits. - Don't ask me to play a Canon character from a fandom. I won't do it and I won't entertain the idea. -Be prepared for 18+ content, sex, drugs, violence, foul language ect. [s]Fair warning I like to smut as much as a lonely housewife reads trashy romance novels.[/s] -PLEASE contact me via PM, it's the easiest way for me to keep track of people. [hr] Not going to lie, this has been itching at me for long enough that I want it enough to make an entire interest check for it. Alright, so I got the idea from someone else here but she hasn't been around in quite a long time. It's where my character (a deadbeat dude) gets plopped into a strange world with tons of non-humans who end up being sold off as chattel. They had me choose a few numbers within a set and depending on what I chose she had a fantasy type picture in association with them for my character to "shop" between for companions; it was interesting. Now, this can be handled in a lot of ways and I understand if the idea isn't most people's cup of tea but it gives TONS of options as far as a smutty slice of life goes. My first thought is that Dude starts himself a tavern because he quite frankly has absolutely no aspirations of being a famed adventurer or a hero of any kind. I won't expect you to run the entire world around him, asking someone to do that would be pretty unfair if they weren't the one who asked to do it specifically. I'm more than willing to help shop around for art/pictures to base characters off of and just because he starts a tavern doesn't mean we can't venture into other realms with the characters or branch off into other enterprises. So, to summarize this is basically a slave harem fantasy slice of life dumpster fire with everything you'd associate to something such as that. There's more than enough room for tweaking this and I'm more than open to shifting just about everything around to make this into something that we both want. Just hit me up and we'll plan things out like it's 1939 and Poland happens to be looking extra Thicc that morning.