[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gD9rVru.png[/img][/center] [color=AC5FFB]Time:[/color]Evening [color=AC5FFB]Location:[/color] Outskirts in the trees not far from Roshmi Hall [color=AC5FFB]Interactions:[/color][@Dezuel][@Potter] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Z62x3Z.png[/img][/center] [color=aba000]"She needs you? Who does? Your friends? There are things you can and cannot do princess. Your friends such as Elsea are beyond any help which may be given right now, you know these words be true. Foxboy even turned into some frenzied beast."[/color] Risa's expression broke. She had almost forgotten Elsea. Her heart was racing and now her thoughts were being pulled in three different directions. A sob almost escaped her lips. She could not stop thinking of the three of them and then seeing Dionaea that way. His words of not being able to give help were no comfort as it was all she could think about at the moment. No one deserved to be left behind, especially those she cared about. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she listened to him continue. It was easier to listen than to try to conjure her own thoughts up just yet. Elthrael continued about the importance of her living to claim the throne and how it was her destiny. She could not find it in her heart to care about destiny at the moment if there even was such a thing. She had never been one to believe things were written in stone. Her grandfather had always said the future was a blank canvas that had not yet been painted and it could become whatever she chose it to. If that was the case, then she needed to find a way to compose herself and think without panicking. Her friends were counting on her and Elthrael just did not understand that. [color=aba000]"As of now Risa, I am the only one who has not abandoned you. I will not allow them to harm you. You are under my protection now."[/color] Risa stared at him as they met eyes, her violet alighting with anger and passion. That anger was enough to bring her to some sort of sense in her despair. It had been so long since she felt this emotion that it felt like a release that had been waiting to be unleashed for many years. He asked her if she believed in destiny and narrowed her eyes, [color=AC5FFB]"I believe in creating my [i]own destiny[/i]. Nothing is written in stone for me. You have abandoned me twice now, Elthrael."[/color]She started lowly, her voice rising as she spoke, [color=AC5FFB]"My friends have not abandoned me. I am [i]NOT[/i] abandoning them in their time of need! What kind of queen would I be to take the throne if I run in when adversaries appear? It's one thing to become a queen, but it's another to become a queen people will follow. "[/color] She placed her hands on his arms and began struggling to push herself up, frustrated tears dripping down her cheeks, [color=AC5FFB]"Elthrael. I want to work and trust with you, but I need that back! You have to understand Kyran and Dionaea I have known all my life and I have spent day and night with Elsea the last week. I am not going until I know for myself there is nothing I can do. You must have loved ones and understand how I must feel right now!" [/color] Risa was not sure if Elthrael was scared or if he maybe he knew more than she and things were truly hopeless. She knew she was weak. It was clear she was not cut for battle and she was just a stupid, little girl but she did not care. Risa was willing to fight. [color=AC5FFB]"We create our own destinies, Elthrael,"[/color]Risa looked back at him again, ready to fight against even Elthrael if she needed to. She had been about to try her best at conjuring vines at some branches to stop their movement or at least slow them down. It was not her strong suit but she had been practicing lately and could have possibly pulled it off. A loud, piercing scream reached her ears, causing Risa to instinctively put her hands over them. Then, something came flying towards him from below suddenly.