[hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/fortunates-december-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190823/206a23b573d361ad3f4611498dab5129.png[/img][/url] [color=#DB9CB7]TIME:[/color] Evening [color=#DB9CB7]LOCATION:[/color] The Grand Ball, Roshmi City [color=#DB9CB7]INTERACTIONS:[/color] Cade [@Helo], Ayita [@13org], Elsea & Torvi [@Tae] + plus whoever's controlling the big scary demon[/center] [hr] Ahzmorath. Sakura couldn't believe Aklenroth will allow such a horrifying demon to be unleashed here of all places. At least she finally guessed what her father's plan along: to kill every single human and creature aligned with them. She looked around and saw everything was indeed in chaos. People fought against each other as the exits were surrounded by an invisible barrier, no doubt the work of one of Sakura's kin. She then saw Zelginn, her young dance partner from earlier, turn into a demonic creature in front of everyone which only confirmed Sakura's thoughts on him. Cries of anguish echoed throughout the ballroom while there were already lifeless bodies on the ground, surrounded in a pool of their own blood. Sakura would've reveled in such an occasion but now may be an inappropriate time. Sakura watched as Ayita destroyed her dress, take off her heels and mask, and removed the mark she put on her forehead, exposing herself as a human too. The demoness was angry at first but decided to just go along with it. If she learned anything from this night was that humans were foolishly brave and stubborn. Ayita killed a soldier and Sakura watched in horror and awe as Ayita threatened Ahzmorath too. She then handed Cade a halberd and Sakura a shortsword. Torvi then approached their group while fending off more enemies and advised them to get out since the exits seemed to be unblocked now. All while this was happening, Sakura was thinking heavily. Whatever she decided to do at this very moment will have severe consequences in the future, especially on her. Was it advisable to just go along with everybody and escape or should she do something about this now? Sakura looked at the determined faces of Cade, Ayita, and the human girl on the table. Sakura knew they will have no chance of winning against Ahzmorath even if they all work together. She was also sure that her kin will just chase after them as well. She breathed deeply and exhaled before turning to the group. [color=#DB9CB7]"She's right. The best course of action right now is to escape. Ayita, you go with Cade and the other human girl. Try to find Risa while you're at it too. I'll stay here and keep this demon occupied to give you a chance to escape in one piece. Remember, you have my talismans so use it in case you get lost."[/color] Sakura handed Elsea the shortsword and turned to Cade and Ayita. [color=#DB9CB7]"See you when I see you."[/color] She cupped their cheeks before turning her focus on Ahzmorath who's too busy having fun ripping the heads of several demihumans and elves he caught. Sakura flew mid-air until she's hovering in the middle of the ballroom and shouted to get the demon's attention. [color=#DB9CB7]"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone you're own size, rat face?!"[/color] She procured several talismans from her sleeve and they all hovered around her. She pointed her middle and pointing finger on her right hand and placed it on her chest while she created a five-pointed star with her right hand, making it glow pink as the five talismans fixed themselves on the star's points. Sakura then chanted: [center][color=#DB9CB7]"O' archaic spirits that glow in the power of life's might, Bind the blood-lusted horror, eradicate from thy sight!"[/color][/center] The star glowed and pink chains made of pure energy emerged from the five talismans. They all fly in speeds towards Ahzmorath, wrapping both his wrists, ankles, and neck in chains as the demon roared in pain as well. Sakura had to focus harder as Ahzmorath thrashed, trying to free himself from the chains with his sheer strength. [color=#DB9CB7]"I-I don't know how much longer I can hold him."[/color] She said to her group below, her voice strained with the effort in keeping the chains intact. [color=#DB9CB7]"You need to go! Now!"[/color]