While I'm only on my phone giving this a slight look over after reading through the interest check, I'll more than likely get around to making a character sheet for this, after all, how often do you see promising Pokemon RPs these days? Now I would like to ask a question or two regarding the Elite Four and these champions and what not. Firstly, is there any rule against being a member of a region's (assuming each region still has one) Elite Four? I know that most likely sounds like a power grab, but I have a couple of ideas forming in my head for that specific scenario. If the Elite Four option is a no go, just how "experienced" or "renowned" are the player characters supposed to be, as I'm sure nobody's being an eleven year old who just got their first Bulbausaur. What do you mean people didn't choose Bulbausaur? Lies! Lastly nobody's allowed to be from Hoenn but me. Kidding, of course. [i]Or am I?[/i]