Known NPC Communities: Chicago-The Remnants of Chicago play host to a litany of Madmen and Gangs. These are but, the most prevalent among them. [hider=My Hider] The Illinois Brotherhood-Based out of the ruins of the Adler Planetarium on Northerly Island. The Illinois Brotherhood sends out monthly patrols of the City to show the Flag so, to speak and attempt to hunt down the Enclave. The Enclave- Home Base unknown but, they regular skirmish with the Illinois Brotherhood and are known to kidnap the occasional passerby. The Widower Gang- A gang of Raiders that base out of the Angus Chemical Plant. They Regularly leave the women of settlements alive so that they're able to better fit their name. Their preference for chemically Enhanced weapons has allowed them to survive the Brotherhood and Enclave Patrols. The Salvation Army- A Settlement of "Holy" men and women that are on a mission from God himself. Based out one of the old bases for his old-world Army they shall strike down those who stand against them. Which means most anyone. [/hider] Detroit- Struck by a Single smaller Nuke near the edge of the city. The majority of the City is intact but, filled with raiders and lunatics. [hider=My Hider] The Corvegas-A raider gang living out of an old Corvega factory that uses Automobile parts to make their armor and the engine parts to make crude Flamers and Rippers. The Motor-Men- a group of technophiles based out of Wayne State University. Radiation based weaponry and strange Prototype Plasma Weapons keep the majority of traders and Raiders away from the front door. The Church of Belle- Based in the Aquarium the Church worships something within the depths of their church none know what. [/hider] Gary-Wreathed in the mists of an unknown Old-World Chemical Gary lays nearly untouched and abandoned, Save for those mad enough to enter. [hider=My Hider] The Hunger- A Settlement of Slaving Cannibals that reside somewhere within the Mist covered the city. Nothing is known but, for that none taken by them are ever seen again. The Dredgers-Based on the Very edges of the Killing Mist in the former Work Yards of the Small port of Gary. This settlement exists to supply those foolish enough to try and scavenge within Gary. [/hider] Green Bay- Struck by an off-target nuke aiming for a missile sight somewhere in the northern reaches. Green Bay's northern suburbs are a blasted Ruin with few large structures still standing. [hider=My Hider] The Knights Packer-Dressed in the Armors of the old world these New Age Knights Stride Forth under the Banner of the Famous Green Bay Packers. Based out of Castle Lambeau they Exact vengeance on all those who would prey on the weak Led by their Lord the Great Great Great Grandson of the Famous Matthew LaFleur, Lord Coach Jonathon LaFleur. The Oneida Family- Basing themselves off of old world Mobsters the Oneida family Relies on terror tactics and the loyalty of their Boys to keep their terf clean. Serving Chems, Slaves, and Other Delights out of their Casino at the edge of town. [/hider] Rock Island- [hider=My Hider] The Auctioneers- A Settlement based out of an ancient Auction house. Armed with an eclectic assortment of firearms they hold dominion over the long 92. [/hider] Niagara Falls- Abandoned En-Masse after the initial invasion it was left empty and was passed over by the Nuclear apocalypse. Post-War it played home to the short-lived Emergency government that fell to infighting ten years after the war. [hider=My Hider] Cult of the Roar-Driven mad by the constant roar of the falls the Cult of Roar Sacrifices most they find to the Falls. 104 Robotic Battalion- A group of a Protectrons and Mister Gutsies Lead by an experimental Securitron that patrol Downtown Niagara on the Candanain side and "Keep the Peace" [/hider] Toronto- Devastated in the initial invasions of Canada Toronto evaded being hit by any of the Nukes that Cold October night but, the city still felt the after-effects. Remnants of the Us army looted all they could on their way home. [hider=My Hider] The Maple Riders- A Vigilante Gang of Motorcycle riders who take to the streets every night to "protect" the citizens of the City. [/hider] South Bruce Peninsula- [hider=My Hider] The Three Brothers- A Tribe based of a series of islands off the coast of the peninsula. They are violently Xenophobic and kill most of any who get close to their lands. Only a select few traders are able to get close. [/hider] Sands- [hider=My Hider] Red Roxs- A gang of heavily armed raiders based out of the Red Roxs Bar and Grill on the Edge of the Ki Sawyer AFB Safe Zone. They have multiple smaller bases spread across the territory. [/hider] Duluth- [hider=My Hider] The Duluth Traders-The Duluth Traders are a far-reaching group of merchant houses that Travel vast distance and are one of the few traders trusted by the tribes of the Great Blizzards. [/hider] South Baymouth- [hider=My Hider] The Wigams- A massive Family of fishermen and occasional traders. They're a saying in the area that everyone has a cousin that's a Wigam. [/hider] Gniess Outcrops- [hider=My Hider] The Bears- A Raider Gang that is known to be Peerless Beast masters. They Terrorize the nearby areas with their Mutants. [/hider]