Mega evolutions can be used as much as we want. In fact with that particular mechanic I kept meaning to bring up, we'll be making our own few rules on that. Firstly I think we should stick to Pokemon who have known Mega evolutions, unless you can get a good reference for whatever Pokemon you want. Not that it can happen, like what it would look like. We're also free to mega evolve both active Pokemon at once. also psychics... Love psychics and will be playing one lol xD as such they are the supreme power and can do whatever they want and have anything they wan-... Er, I mean they can be psychic. Picking things up and talking telepathically. Stuff... Ou and missed Sloth's post. I already said that we will be sticking to OCs for this RP ( i don't mean that in a harsh 'you should have read that' way) so no Elite Four. As for our characters, as the character sheet says they are veteran trainer and 18+ only. They aren't quite champion level, but that could very well be a lack of drive to challenge the League. Also, Charmander ftw. Though Torchic is still best.