[quote=Bell]Ou and missed Sloth's post. I already said that we will be sticking to OCs for this RP ( i don't mean that in a harsh 'you should have read that' way) so no Elite Four. As for our characters, as the character sheet says they are veteran trainer and 18+ only. They aren't quite champion level, but that could very well be a lack of drive to challenge the League. [/quote] I didn't intend to play a canon Elite Four, in fact I was unaware we were keeping the canon league champions and Elite Four and what not, my apologies. Lack of drive? That line is almost calling out for me to make the epitome of a lazy Pokemon trainer with a lazy Pokemon team. Snorlax, Slaking, Slowbro/King, So on, so forth. Now I'm tempted to use the magic of google just to make this gimmick trainer a thing.