[center][h1][b][u]Carn[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Carn returned to his tent and took a deep breath. It had been an eventful day. First, they had discovered a group of slain scouts at the site of an abandoned wagon. That on its own would not have been so shocking - he knew that eventually they would encounter villages and people who were not supportive of his conquest. He also knew his men were not infallible, and some would inevitably being taking supplies by force. That was something he would need to start directly ordering himself, especially with the way his food was running low. However, there were a number of oddities related to the deaths. The scouts were the only bodies at the site, implying that either they had all been taken by surprise, or whoever killed them was proficient enough to defeat them all without casualties. Additionally, they all looked to have been killed in the same method - a single precise knife wound. Lastly, there were only two pairs of footsteps leading away from the slaughter. Carn had ruminated on the matter for a time, and then decided it wasn’t worth troubling himself with. Not yet, anyway. If it happened again he would need to reassess. But for now, it could just be an isolated incident. So he had increased the size of the scouting parties and the number of sentries meant to guard the camp, gave them an additional warning to be vigilant, and had left it at that. Then they stopped for the day, and it was time to initiate something that had been on his mind for a few days. The organization of his army. The composition of his army would be a simple one. His warriors, archers, and mages were to be developed in individual formations, which would continue to be called warbands for both simplicity and familiarity. Each warband had one hundred people, and as a result he had twenty-four warbands in total. Four of these warbands were his best-equipped warriors; those whose armour fit the best. They were given bronze weapons that had been taken from the Ketrefans in Carn’s ‘skirmish’ with them all those months ago. Three of these warbands consisted of bowmen, and four were slingers. One, the smallest warband with only fifty people, was comprised solely of druids and mages. The remaining twelve warbands were the rest of his infantry, wielding assorted weapons of copper, bronze, or even stone, and wore mismatched pieces of armour - whatever pieces of Titania’s gift could fit them, really, as well as a mixture of hide and fur. Then came the process of assigning command. Naturally he had taken command of the elite for himself. Ingrid was given the archers, Yarwick the rest of the infantry, and Lothar the mages. The process of handing out commands for the individual warbands had been more difficult, however. Simply put, he did have as many chieftains, lords, and commanders as he did warbands. Which meant some had to be relegated to second-in-commands, or given other less prestigious duties. Naturally, many had complained, and some had even threatened to take their men and leave. But Carn had simply smiled, and said that if the men wished to leave, they were free to do so. But if not, the disgruntled commanders would have to find their way home alone. He had said this within earshot of the men in question, and unsurprisingly it had boosted his esteem in their eyes, to the point where almost none decided to follow their commanders after all. And with that, they had pitched camp, ready for yet another day of marching. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] Carn reorganizes his army by putting archers and mages into the same units together and establishing a clearer chain of command. [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [b]Beginning:[/b] 50 +2 for 2500+ characters [b]Ending:[/b] 52 [/hider]