[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/m7zZQBg.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/TqpHQos.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][hr][/center] [quote=Lyss][color=D3D3D3] “Look, I’m… really sorry you had to experience that. We’ve been through a lot the past month and I think what happened between Vashti and Madison was the breaking point of it all. We invited you here because we’ve run out of options. Many of our members are cursed, afflicted, or they have family members in need of a healer. We didn’t call you here specifically asking for [i]your[/i] help, but if you know anyone that could or any leads that could take us in that direction, we would be grateful. So, can you think of anyone or any organization that works with curses and healing? I’m sure you’ve needed help before, too.”[/color][/quote] "Aunt Lyss saves the day again," Emily said to herself and shrugged as Lyss pretty much did what Vashti and Maya were too stupid to do. In fewer words, too. Look how easy that was? Emily would have done it herself but she was just so... [i]irritated[/i] by the stupid drama that her sisters were too preoccupied with. Kimberly nodded her head after everything was starting to calm down after the departure of Madison. It was tough... but at this point, Kimberly would rather not think about how the impact of her actions and how they affect [i]other[/i] people. She sighed, a quiet breeze escaped her lips as she looked at Lyss and realized that she was the one person that she was looking for. Someone who isn't a screaming maniac! That wasn't that hard, was it? Kimberly listened intently to Lyss, even though it was pretty much the same thing that Vashti and Maya said, except conveyed in a far more level-headed and collected manner. One that Kimberly could get behind. Still, she was kind of looking to them for help with an affliction of her own. "I don..." Kim was about to turn her down before a lightbulb went off in her head. An option that was closed off to her not because she couldn't find it but they closed the doors on her. They could probably solve all their problems... for a price, of course. And it wasn't just a monetary one, but a moral one. Her mouth remained open as she stared off into the nothingness of the pool for a few seconds before she answered. "... Actually, I [i]do[/i] know somebody. Or a [i]group[/i] of people..." She stopped for a few seconds before she said, "... The Dollhouse, they're pretty much a magical black market organization that has cures for afflictions in their repertoire... I used to get my cures for Afflictions from them before they found out that I was a famous Ghost Hunter and refused to do business with me. But, they're legit, albeit a bit pricey..." She looked at Lyss, whom she identified as the leader if it wasn't for Madison freaking out and walking away. It was tough but Kimberly decided to leave out a bit of information about their true nature or their main goal... or even some of the prices that she had to pay. Only because Kimberly knew that if she told them about what the Dollhouse [i]really[/i] does, they would not agree to go help. And if she had to be honest, stopping Annabelle was. "... If I get you in contact with them, will you help[i] me?[/i]" Maybe a bit of honesty was in order for the Coven to get on her side. "I... I take it that you've already heard of [i]her[/i]. Annabelle Heart, she has a name you know, that "monster bitch" that has been going on a rampage. She took has an affliction, but a very powerful one. I'm sorry that she killed your friend but a lot more people are gonna die unless we stop her." [i]Probably including your little Coven.[/i] Kimberly thought to herself given how effortlessly she cleaved through the Greenwood Estates. "I know that's a lot," Kimberly said, "But all I need you guys to do is get [i]me[/i] a cure for Afflictions from them and you can get whatever you need to from them." Of course, Kimberly left out the little comment that whatever cures they get won't matter if Annabelle continues to snowball like this.