These lands were no good, thought the great beast as he slowly lumbered through the forests and hills. He had come for feast, yet instead he had come across two types of winged flesh and nothing but armed soldiers who had no desire to become his next meal. Whatever reason the North God had for sending him down here was obviously a fluke. His stomach grumbled, it had been long since he had had a good taste of flesh, having to sustain himself on elk and other animals, and he could see the sun lower in the sky, he would have to set camp, and find himself more meat to consume. He found a nice clearing, hidden behind a mighty hill, this would do. He let his pack fall off his shoulders and crumble to the ground, gathering rocks and twigs to start a fire once he returned. With it all set, he grabbed his scythe, and set off, following the distant scent of meat. Normally, a hunter would try to find tracks to hunt their prey, but he did not require it, all he had to do was follow the scent, and it would lead him to it soon enough. His cloven hooves softly passed through the underbrush as his head lay low, his mighty antlers looking almost like branches of a tree, providing him some slight camouflage. He had done this so many times before, it had become natural. Yet this time, as he drew closer, he picked up upon other scents, different this time, that...of [i]flesh[/i], it nearly drove him into a frenzy, the sweet and mouth watering scent that only grew stronger as he came closer, this could be the feast he was hoping for. He came upon them soon enough, humans, five of them, gathered around a deer, it would’ve been perfect, yet, the Hunter only grew disappointed. These humans were armed well, even worse, they were thin, starved looking, like those back in that accursed city. Why could he only find the flesh that was bad? They weren’t that good when they were thin, too stringy and they got caught in his teeth too much. As he knelt in the brush, staring at the humans, he soon realized, he recognized them, their armor and faces were familiar. They were those, boar things, whatever they were called, he had seen them flee when those bright winged flesh arrived in the city. Perhaps, this was a far better calling. He rose, coming to his full height that easily towered over the humans, and walked forward, he didn’t bother trying not to appear threatening, his form made that impossible. [color=8a0303]” pleasantly surprised to see...some of you...survived.”[/color] He spoke, his voice harsh and deep as always, echoing off the trees and reaching deep into the forest itself. The roamers turned to face the monster and immediately hunkered down to their knees in pleading. They looked weak and frostbitten, the winter having eaten away at them like an omnipresent vulture. “Great… Great hunter… We had to run… Forgive us - we had to run to avoid the axe.” The speaker gasped for breath. “Please,” he whispered weakly. “Please - do you have anything we can eat? We, we are starving.” “Dying,” someone added weakly. The beast sighed [color=8a0303]”I fault you not for running away...a true hunter knows when to fight...i did the for food”[/color] He raised his head, sniffing the air, he could smell other deer off in the distance. [color=8a0303]”I do not have any with me...but I smell others in the distance.”[/color] He lowered his head, staring at the starving men [color=8a0303]”Are you all who...escaped?”[/color] The strongest among the survivors looked at his four companions and nodded slowly. “Ragnar died in the snow… Parix remained in Ha-Dûna and, to our knowledge, probably got the axe.” “Aye, got the axe…” “This is all of us, then,” the man confessed sadly. “But you said there was food?” The hunter nodded [color=8a0303]” our north,”[/color] He bent down and grabbed the dead deer in front of them, despite its size, it wouldn’t be enough [color=8a0303]”Let us go get some more, then, we can return to my camp, so i may gather my pack”[/color] The men salivated at the deer. “Can we eat this first?” A low rumble emitted from the Hunter [color=8a0303]”You...wish to eat it….now?”[/color] “Please! We haven’t eaten for days! Just a small bite - that’s all we need! C-Coner here’s barely moving anymore!” The man known as Coner was lying on the lap of one of the other men, his cheeks red hot with fever and his breath weak and ragged. The hunter nodded [color=8a0303]”Very well.”[/color] He slowly put the deer back down, before raising his scythe, and cutting off chunks of flesh from the deer and handing the pieces to the men, with the weakest members getting flesh first, with the hunter himself taking the smallest pieces just to sate him over. The men ate the flesh with desperate haste, barely even gagging at its raw and untreated texture. Blood caked their faces and they showed only increased appetite as they consumed more and more. When they had finished, the colour had returned to their faces, though it was hard to tell whether that was the blood or themselves. “Thank you, great hunter.” The men all bowed and knelt in respect. “Please, let us repay you how we may. You said you had a pack, yes? Let us join you - we will follow you gladly.” The hunter thought for some time, allowing the men to eat from the flesh first, before finally speaking. [color=8a0303]”I reason to deny you that...I will welcome followers...we can survive longer if we stick together.”[/color] “Then take us to more food, great hunter!” The Hunter nodded [color=8a0303]”Follow me, keep your heads and bodies low, follow my lead, and do not strike until I command.”[/color] With that, the hunter led the merry band northward, his massive form once more vanishing amongst the underbrush. The Boars followed suit, their weapons kept close to their chests and forms, trying their best to emulate the great beast in front of them, though it was still clear the frost and hunger had limited their capabilities. They crept for some time, the Hunter often stopping to check the scent and allow the others to catch up. Soon enough, they finally came upon some more deer, grazing over some frosted grass, it was a herd, far more than they could ever kill, but, if their luck was enough, they could get enough to sustain them longer. He gazed back upon the boars, and gestured to one of them with a spear, before whispering softly [color=8a0303]”Your spear is the most adept at range...on my command...chuck it at that one.”[/color] He pointed towards one of the outer deer [color=8a0303]” and the others shall focus on that one with your other weapons...if you kill it, try your best to kill another one, but stick together...I will focus myself on those...and kill as many as I can before they not try to follow them once they do...that will only lose you energy.”[/color] He waited a moment for confirmation from the Boars, before motioning for them to get ready. For a brief moment they knelt amongst the brush, waiting for the right moment, the boar with the spear had it readied, gazing at the hunter with the side of his eye to ensure he would hit the target when the time came. There was a brief silence, then, the Hunter raised his hand, and quickly closed it into a fist. The boar chucked the spear, landing it straight into the chest of the deer, causing it to collapse rapidly, now they had to act fast. The Boars rushed forward, one quickly planting his axe into the deer’s skull to ensure the kill, the Hunter meanwhile almost leaped from his spot, his massive scythe whirling in a fury of death, slashing a deer across the chest before implanting itself into them. Letting go of his grip upon his weapon, he then pounced upon another one, his maw of teeth ripping into its throat as he grabbed a hold of its head. By the time the blood had stopped flowing and gushing, the other deer were gone, rapidly vanishing into the distance. The hunter held the mangled corpse of one in his hands, another had his scythe embedded into its rips, and the Boars gathered around another, their willpower just barely keeping them from digging in immediately. [color=8a0303]”I must say”[/color] The hunter spoke, his mouth caked in blood [color=8a0303]”You did well...for yourself.”[/color] “Hunting is nothing new to a Dûnan!” boasted one of them bravely while one of the others ran to collect a misthrown spear. The hunter chuckled [color=8a0303]”Good, that is something that will keep us alive longer, now, let us head back to my camp”[/color] He retrieved his scythe, before lifting the two deer to carry, aided by one of them missing most of anything above its neck. [color=8a0303]”Tell me,”[/color] He spoke as he let them gather their deer [color=8a0303]”I am unversed with these there a land we could...find refuge within? Not held by those, you call them.”[/color] The Boars exchanged frowns and began surveying the area. The snow made it hard to distinguish rise from rise, cliff from cliff. Green, colourful meadows and distant fields were now hidden underneath endless sheets of white, intermittently broken by piercing rocks or frozen woods. Suddenly, though, one of the paladins whooped in realisation and pointed southwards. “We raided a village close by - I recognise those woods over there. There should still be some buildings intact where we can shelter ourselves.” The hunter nodded “ better than nothing...let us head there...once we have reached my camp.”[/color] He motioned for the paladin to march alongside him, so he could keep track of where they were. The snows proved challenging to traverse, cliffs often being hidden underneath misleadingly broad edges, and heads hiding great shrubs that proved all too easy to trip over. “Bah! By Vanda, curse this cold!” had Coner shouted. “Shut up, Coner - your whining only makes it worse.” “Oh, you’re having a bad time? Why don’t you give those mittens to me, Mack, and we’ll see how cold it is!” “My wife gave me these!” “Oh, yeah, we know - you only brag about her every night.” “You two - be quiet!” said the Boar at the front and knelt down, dusting the snow off a boulder peeking out of the snow. The boulder was inscribed with the now-outdated Ketrefan script employed by the druids of the Long Stride until very recently. Behind him, Mack and Coner were being pulled apart by the other two Boars. The man by the stone, Sedrick, stood back up. “‘Ha-Leothe’…” he mumbled. “I remember this place.” “Aye - we had a good few runs here before that whore Boudicca showed up,” muttered Coner and spat at the snow. The village down in the valley ahead of them was little more than frosted ruins still untouched since they had been abandoned. Sedrick rose and turned to the Hunter. “We have arrived, great one.” He nodded [color=8a0303]”Let us find the most intact house...we can hole up here for a time.”[/color] He let the one called Sedrick take point, while he continued to speak to the others [color=8a0303]”So you two...are Mack and Coner...who are the others?”[/color] He motioned at the two boars he had not heard the names of yet. “Knut,” said one with an unshaven chin and a thick, bushy mustache. “Vegard, great hunter,” said the other, barely old enough to grow any form of facial hair - at least, he carried such an appearance about him. He seemed as rugged as the others, however. The hunter nodded [color=8a0303]”A...pleasure to all, and you need not refer to me as...great hunter.”[/color] “Then what shall we call you?” asked Sedrick. The hunter thought for a brief moment, his mind delving back into old thoughts [color=8a0303]"You...may call me...Azen...that name...long before I became what...I am"[/color] The Boars exchanged concerned glances. Around them, the skeletons and corpses of buildings and homes formed a gravelike backdrop to their conversation. “What were you before, Azen?” Vegard whispered warily. Azen chuckled [color=8a0303]"I was...much like you...then...I met the North God...They...gifted me with what I am today...They are also the reason I am here.”[/color] “What’s ‘the North God’?” asked Coner. “You mean -who’s- the North God, boar-brains! Be respectful!” retorted Mack. “I’ll respect your face!” snapped Coner back, his fists tightening. “Shut up, you two!” Sedrick suddenly burst out as he stopped and looked around. The other men did the same, trying to pinpoint exactly what Sedrick had stopped them for. “What--” “Ssh! Did you hear that?” “Hear what?” There was nothing - at least, nothing that shouldn’t be there. The silence around them was almost too perfect, as though something was doing its best to hide the true nature of the ruins from the party. Azen’s gaze quickly began to scan the village, trying to discern any scent or notice anything that may suggest trouble was afoot. Something was definitely off, he could sense it. [color=8a0303]”There is something here,”[/color] he whispered [color=8a0303]”Keep...your guard up...form a circle.”[/color] The Boars did as they were told and flanked Azen on each side in two crescents. “Oh, my, my! Guests, at last!” came a voice like satin and out from behind a broken barn came a black-winged man. From other corners of the hamlet around them, several more like him appeared. The man ushered forth a deep, mocking laughter before he choked on it. “No…” Coner squinted. “Hey, wait a bit… Isn’t that--” “I thought we had finally left you behind for good,” groaned Annihilari upon seeing the Hunter. The other Neiyari lowered their weapons in a moping manner. Azen couldn’t help but laugh, his deep voice ringing out through the village, [color=8a0303]”Winged flesh!”[/color] He proclaimed, his arm wielding the scythe extended in some jubilation [color=8a0303]”It is good to see you again!...I thought for sure...your golden cousins would’ve...gotten you by now.”[/color] “Alright, keep your distance, bone man,” hissed the angel and shoved the air before him. “That was a close call - too close. It was only by the grace of Neiya that we managed to escape. I thought for a moment that, that I wouldn’t ever be able to see my precious Aveira again!” Around him, the Neiyari gathered to touch him supportively. “BUT THEN!” snapped the angel leader, “we meet you again - you! Of all things in this land! And you’ve brought the meat sacks with you!” “Hey!” snapped Coner back. “Ugh, perfect! A butchered and his slaughter. Why did we even come this way.” Annihilari collapsed into a seat on a broken beam, his face dropping into his hands. The other Neiyari formed a supportive circle around him. [color=8a0303]"They are...not my slaughter...they pack."[/color] He planted his scythe into the frozen ground [color=8a0303]"You may...dislike me...but...We are...far meet than your...cousins"[/color] “Anyone’s better than our cousins…” he conceded. “Even you… What’re you doing here?” [color=8a0303]"Find shelter...after hunt"[/color] he gestured to the deer he carried and the one settled next to the boars [color=8a0303]"And to...hopefully avoid...being found by enemies.[/color] “Enemies, huh,” Annihilari mused as he looked between himself and his own and them. He then gave a lazy shrug. “Well, none to find here. We’ve settled in in hopes that someone foolish enough would stop by and, well, conveniently carry supplies with them - like people do.” He groaned, joined by some of his companions. “The locals must be itching to resettle their lands.” Azen shrugged [color=8a0303]”They consolidating...hoping to track...each of us ensure their safety.”[/color] He pulled out his scythe from the ground, and looked back at the men behind him, then to the Neiyari [color=8a0303]”It....may be...beneficial…for all of work together.[/color] “Would you believe me if I said that was -exactly- what I hoped you wouldn’t suggest,” muttered the angel before covering his face with his palm. “Fine. We will… Tag along, I suppose - as long as you can take us to where there is food. We’ll have to wait out the winter, anyway.” “Why’s that?” asked Coner suspiciously. Annihilari flexed one of his wings and rolled his eyes. “Ever tried flying through snow storms and icy winds, hmm? Didn’t think so, cretin.” “Who you callin’ a--?!” “Coner, don’t. He’ll kill you in a single swing,” warned Sedrick. “I’d like to see him try.” Before Coner could pull out his small axe, Annihilari had already whipped the snow beside him. “Wow, I thought you were slow, but this is simply pitiful. I doubt you’d even make a good servant…” The angel retracted his whip and curled it together. “So, we have a deal, bone man?” He growled softly [color=8a0303]”I...would advise...not insulting my men...but...yes...we have a deal.”[/color] He motioned for the others to pick up the deer again [color=8a0303]”Lets get inside...warm ourselves up...I shall tell you...more of the...North God.”[/color] He directed that last portion to the paladins, but made no effort to actually quiet his voice. The group gathered their stuff and chose one of the more intact houses to stay the night in, ignoring the gaze of their now allies, though it was clear even the Hunter was sceptical of this. They laid their catches down upon the floor of the house, the roof and walls were still intact which was all they needed to keep them safe from the outside. They gathered around the firepit, the Hunter reached into his backpack, pulling out a fire starting rock and metal and, after a few tries, starting up the fire. Both him and the paladins began to slice pieces of the deer off, sticking them onto sticks or their weapons to cook them over the fire. [color=8a0303]”Tell me,”[/color] The hunter finally spoke after a long period of silence. [color=8a0303]”What do you know of the lands to the north?”[/color] “Cold,” said Coner. “Barren,” voiced Vegard. “Weird people, I’ve heard,” muttered Knut with a scowl. The Neiyari tucked themselves closer together in the small space, their wings taking up quite a lot of space. Azen nodded [color=8a0303]”All...correct is a...harsh land...and it is here...that I was born.”[/color] He set the scythe down, tearing into a piece of deer before continuing. [color=8a0303]”Up there...the winters are harsh….harsher than the lands you know...I doubt even our winged friends could...survive.”[/color] He flashed a smile towards Annihilari, as much as a smile as he could form. The Neiyari sneered back in disgust. [color=8a0303]”I was...hungry...hoping to was...when I met...them...The North God.”[/color] He paused for a brief moment, allowing the words to settle in [color=8a0303]”Their voice was...harsh and fierce...they...blessed me with what I am now...the ability to survive...and a form...more befitting what I had...become after their....machinations...they sent me here...for reasons I am unsure of...all I that they seek destruction...and bring nations to heel...and remind mortals...of their own hubris…”[/color] He feel silent, staring at the piece of deer within his claws, seemingly contemplating it. “Huh. So your master seeks to show mortality its hubristic weaknesses, and so they send a bloodthirsty mutt to, what, kill their game and give them scary stories to tell their children? Colour me unimpressed,” muttered Annihilari. “What sorta destruction, Azen? Like… Total ruination?” asked Sedrick. He shrugged [color=8a0303]”I no wish to destroy....all of mortality...but...I believe they would...not be many dead…”[/color] He seemingly paid no mind to the comment of the angel, instead focused on the paladins in front of him. The Boars looked at one another. “Did, did the god name itself Sigeran, by chance?” Azen thought for a long time, delving into his mind [color=8a0303]”They have...never given me...a name...even the North God is...a name of my own creation...who is this...Sigeran?”[/color] The faces of the Boars got dark. They hardly looked anywhere but the ground, and when they did look elsewhere, it was to stare pleadingly at Sedrick for him to take the fall and explain. He caught the signal and sighed. “Sigeran is our god, for better or worse. His divine grace was all that saved the great conquest of Ha-Dûna some years ago now - our loyalty to him has been paid in blood.” He took a deep breath. “Sigeran is not a kind god, by any stretch - but unlike the Sunmother, the stars and any of those small gods our former kinsmen worship, Sigeran understands strength - what it means to be a killer.” He looked at his companions, who nodded in dedicated agreement. “His blessing is still with us. Even now, we have survived winter weather for longer than any other man has. Ragnar was already wounded when the snows came - Sigeran’s strength never truly faded for us. One day, I pray, the others will come to their senses and realise that our people shouldn’t be slaves to the rules of [i]Hir’s[/i] masters. We are the masters of the Highlands, and only Sigeran ever understood this.” “Preach,” Knut pitched in and bumped him brotherly on the shoulder. [color=8a0303]”I see...while...I doubt that this...Sigeran is...the same...I have no doubts...that the North God...would see eye to eye...with this Sigeran…perhaps why i was called...”[/color] He paused, before finally turning to the angels [color=8a0303]”And what of you?...There is...surely a reason you...still hunker down here...for your...god”[/color] “Oh, we stay because of the exquisite cuisine and beautiful view.” “Really?” asked Coner. “No, of course we don’t, you pink ape! The winter’s too cold. We can’t fly back until spring. Trust me - if we could leave, we would. Coming here was a mistake. Of course, those goodie-goodie sunnies would show up. They always do whenever something’s ‘amiss’.” His voice could have soured milk. Azen chuckled [color=8a0303]”Those...of light tend to have...that sort of...timing…”[/color] He looked around the gathered assembly [color=8a0303]”And...we are all enemies of that light...a semblance...of unity will ensure...we are stronger...against them...but...for now...let us is getting late…”[/color] He let the deer flesh fall into his mouth, chewing, before carving off another piece, and handing it over to Annihilari. The angel sneered, but accepted it, sharing with his kin. “... A tentative alliance then…” he remarked before biting down. [hider=Summary] We open our scene back upon the Hunter post Ha-Dûna retaking, he took the opportunity to book it but now he’s hungry again, so he decides to go hunting for some deer. It's not human, but it’ll do. But as he’s hunting the scent of a deer, he ends up coming across some humans, but this isn’t any normal humans, it's the Stone Boars! Well, five of them, its quickly shown they’re the last of their group and after some talking, they decide to throw their lot in with the Hunter, since he can get them food .They go a hunting again and manage to kill some deer, before one of the Paladins reveals he knows a place they can hunker down in. They travel there, with both sides learning the others' names and whatnot, but the village isn’t as abandoned as it seems, as wuh-oh! It's the Neiyari! Who also managed to escape, they are, not happy to see the Hunter again, but after some tense discussion, the two sides decide to agree to a tentative alliance. They all hunker down in a house and talk about gods and other things, while eating some deer. The remnants now united, at least for now. [/hider] [hider=MP/Prestige] Stone Boars: 10-->15 First Hunter: 10-->15 No mp spent [/hider]