[h3][i][color=turquoise]Marisaya Njalsdottir  ||  20  ||  Female[/color][/i][/h3][/center]
[indent]Half-Elf (Silvari and Norgardian)[/indent]
[indent]Mari's undoubtedly a little small for a fighter, but moves with the grace and poise of someone who has had thorough training, if not a great deal of experience. She can easily pass for human even if her auburn red hair isn't covering her lightly pointed ears. Her eyes are a bright sea blue-green, and she typically gives off the look of someone still full of life and energy.

She wears light armor, mostly embossed and studded leather that's probably more decorative than it is protective, with a minimum of cobbled-together plate. It's in Mari's interest to stay lightly geared, considering how often she finds herself on open water.[/indent]
[indent]Mari is fierce, bold, and passionate, and a genuinely good woman at heart. She feels she has a great deal to make up for from her youth, and believes fully that the Daughters of Rán are her way to redemption.

When working Mari is serious, focused, and efficient, and though at times self-doubt can slow her down, she has enough courage to forge ahead even when she suspects she might fail. Recently she has found meaning and purpose in helping others, and will gladly take up a worthy cause even at risk to her own safety or fortune.

In quieter moments, Mari is fully capable of relaxing, unwinding, and sharing a drink and stories. She's not secretive about her past or her feelings, and finds that she connects with and empathizes easily with others.[/indent]
[center][i][color=turquoise][h2]The Ninth Daughter of Rán[/h2][/color][/i][/center][hr][color=turquoise][i][b]Background[/b][/i][/color][indent]~Aspiring Mercenary Priestess
~Lower Class, Criminal Background
~Daughter of a runaway Silvari noblewoman and a Norgardian smuggler[/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]History[/b][/i][/color][indent]Mari has romantic origins, the result of a runaway Silvari girl fleeing an arranged marriage and a Norgardian smuggler that left his own homeland behind. She grew up in the Sea of Swords, and there the romance ended. Life as the daughter of a common smuggler was hardly easy, especially one like her father, who found himself in debt to powerful individuals.

At twelve Mari found herself working to help pay off those debts, mostly to a criminal and pirate lord, an Izyrian named Ihsan. She worked for him and his crews, hopping islands and pickpocketing, thieving, spying, and eavesdropping. As she grew, she graduated to more direct assistance, and took some part in piracy and raids. It was all she knew at first, and Mari was talented and adventurous, albeit unsatisfied with the way her life was going.

Everything changed at 18, when she was caught stealing from a woman named Asherah, First of the Daughters of Rán, a small but respected and even feared group of women sellswords. Often known by other names such as Sisters of the Sea or Witches of the Waves or simply the Sirens, the Daughters belonged to the clever and cunning sea-goddess Rán. The gifts she granted her Nine Daughters were not always extraordinary, but it was believed that the presence of a Daughter aboard a ship could well be the difference between a smooth voyage and a death at the hands of a passing leviathan or vicious storm.

When Asherah unexpectedly took a liking to Mari, she felt the Goddess had guided them together. Rán's Daughters always numbered Nine, but recently one had passed, opening a place for Mari if she wanted it. Even knowing she'd be leaving her father on his own, not to mention making an enemy of Ihsan by betraying him, Mari accepted, and began two years of hard training with her new sisters, who protected her while she prepared to join their ranks. She learned slowly and with many mistakes, but learned all the same. The Daughters of Rán offered her a new way forward, one where she could be a better person, while still finding the adventure her heart desired.

Now at the end of her training, Mari faces a rite of passage: venture into the Blackwood, alone, and make her way into the forgotten places with Rán's guidance, to find her hidden temple, a place supposedly only accessible to the Nine Daughters. There she will pray and accept the gifts the Goddess offers, seizing the power she feels she needs to fully make amends for her past.[/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Motivation[/b][/i][/color][indent]Mari must find the Hidden Temple of Rán, hidden somewhere in the Blackwood, and complete her initiation into the Daughters of Rán. After that, she can follow where the waters take her, and sell her sword and skills to those she feels need it most.[/indent]

[center][i][color=turquoise][h2]Witch of the Waves[/h2][/color][/i][/center]
[cell][color=turquoise][i][b]Skills[/b][/i][/color][indent]Mari is a former thief attempting to remake herself as a proper warrior. Her abilities are spread thin between combat, knowledge, and underhanded skills.[/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Combat [1/1][/b][/i][/color][indent]~Sword and Shield [1]
~Daggers [1][/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Intelligence [1/1][/b][/i][/color][indent]~Literacy [1]
~Religion [1]
~Geography [1][/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Charisma [1/1][/b][/i][/color][indent]~Diplomacy [2][/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Health [1/1][/b][/i][/color][indent]~Cold Resistance [1][/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Faculties [1/1][/b][/i][/color][indent]~Resolve [1]
~Perception [1][/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Agility [1/1][/b][/i][/color][indent]~Pick Pocket [1]
~Lockpick [1]
~Balance [1]
~Swimming [2][/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Mysticism [0/3][/b][/i][/color]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Equipment[/b][/i][/color][indent]~One handed sword
~Wooden round shield
~Two small daggers
~Leather and partial plate armor
~Stitched hide and linen clothes
~Prayer bead necklaces with symbols of Rán[/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Money[/b][/i][/color][indent]~1 Royal
~18 Lordlings
~40 Commons[/indent]
[color=turquoise][i][b]Languages[/b][/i][/color][indent]~Northern Tongue
~Grim Northern
~Bits and pieces of many other tongues[/indent]