[hider=Vanhel the Untaught]
[u][b][h2]Vanhel the Untaught[/h2][/b][/u]   

Half-Elf (Norgardian/Silvari) | 43 | M

[indent]Of average height and build, with a distinctly gaunt face, dark eyes, and black hair turning gray. Usually wears a dark, travel-stained cloak over his armor.[/indent]

[indent]Quiet, unflappable, and calculating, with a sardonic sense of humor. While he makes a somewhat grim first impression, Vanhel is not without a certain charm and mixes easily with low- and high-born alike. [/indent]

[*]Profession: Mercenary spellsword
[*]Class: Outcast 
[*]Heritage: His father was a Norgardian reaver & his mother a Silveri woman taken on a raid. He knew neither.

[u][b]History[/b][/u] (Optional)   


Knowledge. Power. 



[u][b]Combat[/b][/u] [1/1] 
[*] One handed sword

[u][b]Intelligence[/b][/u] [1/1] 
[*] History
[*] Literacy

[u][b]Charisma[/b][/u] [1/1] 
[*] Leadership
[*] Deception

[u][b]Health[/b][/u] [1/1] 

[u][b]Faculties[/b][/u] [1/1] 
[*] Perception
[*] Intuition
[*] Concentration

[u][b]Agility[/b][/u] [1/1] 

[u][b]Mysticism[/b][/u] [3/3] 
[*] Imbuing
[*] Incanting 

[*] [i]Dread[/i]: one handed sword of black metal, inscribed with runes inlaid with polished bone.
[*] Dagger
[*] Leather & mail armor
[*] [i]The Secret Histories[/i] by Anthagos Red-Hand: a slim tome of dark magic, forbidden in most countries
[*] Kindling ring: enchanted ring that can kindle small fires

[indent]8 Royals
3 Lordlings
96 Commons 

[indent]Grim Northern, Northern, Praelian[/indent]