Name: Bell Tanos Age: 21 Region of Origin: Kalos Character Reference: [hider=Spoiler][img=][/hider] Personality: As a psychic Bell seems rather quiet and thoughtful. The reason for this however is most often that she is communicating through a form of her psychic ability. She rarely speaks to other people in such a way, rather preferring to use the method for her Pokemon which are also paychic and don't have trouble communicating back. It's her own way of being closer to them as friends rather than pets. She tends to stare off into space a lot and can seem rather distant most of the time. She doesn't talk much, and even when she does she's pretty quiet. Beyond all that, her quiet life has left her as a very naive and innocent type of girl, not understanding the troubles of the world. She has trouble understanding other's troubles as well as their desires such as greed and the like. Living the way she did, she never really left her childhood behind. Brief History: Bell was born into the home of a rich family. She was spoiled with anything she could ever want, but managed to not go rotten. Her greatest desire was to have friends. Her parents hiwever, didn't want her leaving the house. Their response to her wishes came in the for. Of two newly born Pokemon. For her birthday, she received not one, but two Riolus. It was in their nature to act a certain age, and it matched perfectly with Bell's own age. As time went on Bell grew older and the Riolu brothers stayed the same. Bell started to show interest in pretending to be a mother, wanting dolls and all kinds of toys to play with. The Riolu brothers weren't exactly fond of playing dolls with Bell though. One day, Bell found a picture book of the region's Pokemon, and told her father what she wanted. As if with nothing but a wave of his hand, her father came home one day with a Ralts. Bell babied the Ralts, giving the Riolu brothers a break from her more 'girly' desires such as playing with dolls... And the dressup... Ralts of course was no ordinary baby doll of course. She was all too happy to be pampered and treated like one, but she was still a Pokemon. Soon enough, Bell discovered Ralt's paychic abilities. The two became closer and her parents soon found their daughter to have potential as a psychic herself. Her father was very proud, and her mother very worried. She would have to keep sharp things out of site, rather than out of reach now. Nonetheless, the parents encouraged their little girl to keep practicing, but only with the Riolu brothers around so she would be safe. The brothers assumed their new role as Bell's guardians, and evolved at the same time becoming the Lucario brothers, big brothers to Bell. The time came however when Bell's interests once again changed. She did not forget about her friends of course, but more than anything in the world... She wanted a puppy. Her parents weren't about to get he a Furfrou though, and instead her father brought home an even better surprise. Her very own Fennekin. She was as happy as one little girl could be, and this lasted for years. The only thing that changed by the time she was twelve years old was her desire for a puppy changed to a cat. Many feline races of Pokemon were out there, but her father once again came through in finding her the perfect companion. The hold in the poor little girl's heart was soon filled with the love of an Espeon. At the age of twelve Bell wandered off one day. She didn't know where she was going, and nobody else did, nor did they know she was even going anywhere. She wandered across the pasture of her family's ranch, seeing all the Pokemon running free. Then, she went into the forest on the other side. She walked for hours, and only when she had decided it was time to go home did she realize it was far too late. Not only was the sun going down, but she had absolutely no idea where she was. Bell frantically tried to find her way out of the forest, but she kept going in circles and ending up in the same place. She fell to her knees and started to cry, crying for someone to save her. She cried for her parents, for her Kirlia who had recently evolved from Ralts. Most of all she cried for the Lucario brothers to help her. But nobody came. She was all alone in a dark forest, wind blowing causing the trees to creak and moan. The time came when she couldn't see anymore, her tears and the darkness blinding her. She cried herself straight to sleep, but the last thing she remembered was soft fur catching her and stopping her fall. But she was too tired to see who was there. Bell awoke the next morning to a soft bed. She felt warm, but also felt the wind blowing. She cleared her eyes and stretched and yawned before bothering to look around. Finally though, she realized that wasn't a bed she was lying on... It was a Pokemon. A white Pokemon with a tail that reminded her of a Crobat's wings, and a strange horn on the side of its head. At first she was afraid, but the Pokemon helped her find her way home where the police were searching everywhere along with all of Bell's friends. She arrived safely, and in the care if a new friend that would be with her for the rest of her life. Absol, her final Pokemon. Bell grew safely, her life a sheltered one but full of fun with her friends. Her Pokemon grew as well. Kirlia evolved into Gardevoir and filled a sort of nanny role when her parents were away. Fennekin evolved into Braixen and took on the role of the mischievous younger sister for a time before meeting her final evolution as Delphox. Lily lived a happy life, even if it wasn't as exciting as most children would grow up. It was quiet for the most part, but she had her friends. They were never just friends though. From the first day she met them, each and every Pokemon became a part of her family that she would love just as she loved the father who gave them to her, and the mother that brought her into the world so she could have had the chance to meet them in the first place. Pokemon Team: Gardevoir Delphox Absol Espeon Two Lucario Brothers