
[color=848482][b]Shadestar-[/b] slender black tom with sharp green eyes. [[i]played by [@Ambra][/i]][/color]

[color=848482][b]Silverflight-[/b] slender, light silvery she-cat with black markings and pale blue-green eyes. [[i]played by [@PrankFox][/i]][/color]

[color=98AFC7][b]MEDICINE CAT:[/b][/color]
[color=848482][b]Eelpond[/b]- sleek, mostly white cat with black patches on his face around his ears, and a mostly black tail. [[i]played by [@The Elvenqueen][/i]][/color]

[color=98AFC7][b]MEDICINE CAT APPRENTICE:[/b][/color]
[color=848482][b]Tinypaw-[/b] calico she-cat with yellow eyes and a pink nose. [[i]played by [@blindwoofer][/i]][/color]

[color=848482][b]Lionfang-[/b] large golden colored tom with a thick pelt and light brown eyes. [[i]played by [@PrankFox][/i]]
	[b]APPRENTICE:[/b] Mottledpaw
[b]Branchfall-[/b] tabby brown tom with green eyes. [[i]played by [@LetMeDoStuff][/i]]
[b]Froststorm-[/b] mottled silvery-gray she cat. [[i]played by [@Apoalo][/i]]
	[b]APPRENTICE:[/b] Nightpaw
[b]Riversong-[/b] long-haired sleek blueish grey she cat with a white muzzle, white paws and white flecks on her ears and tail tip with deep blue eyes. [[i]played by [@savannahssu][/i]]
[b]Dawnstep-[/b] small, dilute calico she-cat with green eyes. [[i]played by [@skitts][/i]]
[b]Flamepelt-[/b] black tom with some orange-red showing up in his fur. [[i]played by [@skitts][/i]]
[b]Cloudstep-[/b] black and white tom with long, silky fur and white paws. [[i]played by [@nyoom][/i]]
[b]Brindleshade-[/b] a tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes; she has a half orange and half black face. [[i]played by [@blindwoofer][/i]]
	[b]APPRENTICE:[/b] Skypaw
[b]Rainstripe-[/b] silver she-cat with black stripes on her pelt and green eyes. [[i]played by [@sassy1085][/i]]
[[color=fff79a]NPC[/color]] [b]Badgerlurk-[/b] mostly black tom with pale-white paws, alongside an equally white back-left leg, and sandy eyes. [[i]played by [@LetMeDoStuff][/i]]
[[color=fff79a]NPC[/color]] [b]Haileye-[/b] snow-white she with patches of black across her back, tail and paw, finished with little green eyes. [[i]played by [@LetMeDoStuff][/i]]
[[color=fff79a]NPC[/color]] [b]Kestrelclaw-[/b] lean black and white tom with yellow eyes. [[i]played by [@PrankFox][/i]]
[[color=fff79a]NPC[/color]] [b]Ravensong-[/b] black tom with a splash of white on his chest and green eyes. [[i]played by [@PrankFox][/i]]

[color=848482][b]Nightpaw-[/b] a rather bulky and fluffy black tom with green eyes. [[i]played by [@PrankFox][/i]]
[b]Mottledpaw-[/b] golden mottled she-cat with a white underbelly and amber eyes. [[i]played by [@Ambra][/i]]
[b]Skypaw-[/b] silver tabby tom with blue eyes. [[i]played by [@Apoalo][/i]][/color]

[color=848482][[color=fff79a]NPC[/color]] [b]Mosswing-[/b] white and ginger she-cat with amber eyes. [[i]played by [@PrankFox][/i]][/color]


[color=848482][[color=fff79a]NPC[/color]] [b]Creekwhisper-[/b] slender, short-haired female with slightly unkempt fur and light-blue eyes. [[i]played by [@nyoom][/i]][/color]