
[color=cyan]Time:[/color]  Night
[color=cyan]Location:[/color] Campsite
[color=cyan]Interactions:[/color] Kenia[@Tae], Darius[@FunnyGuy], Elthrael[@Dezuel], Vaeril[@Alivefalling][/center]

Bowyn appreciated the silence during the walk and the few moments where it lingered as they sat around a campfire. Everything about this day had been exhausting but he was grateful that Kenia had the foresight to grab mead for the journey. He drank from the bottle of warm mead he’d grabbed waiting for the alcohol to wash down the bitter memories of the night, and didn’t even bother with frosting the bottle. He had used a great deal of energy during the fight with Jack, way more magic and on a larger scale than he was used to. Worse than the exhaustion he now felt, even worse than the sight of that poor human with his head severed, was the feeling of having killed others with magic. Magic was a gift fairies had to better connect them to nature, to creation, and to use it to kill, felt like a perversion of that. The awful feeling in his stomach was neither caused by or helped from the warm mead but he drank it anyway, waiting for a content numbness that just wouldn’t come. 

Elthreal broke the silence, the other fairy certainly had a skill for knowing just what to say to get under another’s skin. While Bowyn merely nodded in agreement with the majority of what Elthreal said, Kenia voiced a different view. Bowyn wondered why so many seemed to simply take Risa at her word, from a prepared speech made safely away from the danger it had caused everyone else there. It seemed to him that if Kenia truly cared for her now dead human friend she should know who helped cause that death. Rei would never have been in Avalia if it had not been for Risa’s actions, and the deaths of him and those who died after her speech at the ball could not be made right by words. This, however, was a point he kept to himself, Rei’s death had clearly been painful for Kenia and he wouldn’t throw that at her simply to make a point.

[color=cyan]“Her birthright?”[/color] Bowyn repeated with a scoff and shake of his head. Bowyn continued to speak with a more detached tone, finding the discussion a welcomed break from his previous thoughts. [color=cyan]“Should being born into power mean you get to inherit it? We’re talking about a fairy who admitted to abducting another race to fight a war for her. Someone just as willing as Aklenroth to use others as pawns. Why trade one heartless royal for another? Don’t get me wrong, I want nothing more than to see the lich finally meet his end but I must agree with Elthreal, Risa does not strike me as one suitable for any thorne. At least Elthreal has actually met Risa. While the rest of us have only heard a prepared speech she gave safely away from its disastrous consequences. Actions say a great deal more than words, and hers certainly fall in line with Elthreal’s description. Since the humans have already been brought here, without a say in the matter, perhaps they should lead us, both in this rebellion and in what follows. Give them some sort of choice in it all, our collective races have only made a mess of this world anyhow. But what do I know? I’m just a half drunk fairy who talks to a bird.”[/color] Bowyn ended his words with a slight grin and another drink from the bottle.