
[hider=Dawnstep - PC]

[indent][s]Dawnkit[/s] -> [s]Dawnpaw[/s] -> Dawnstep[/indent]

[indent]~1.5 years; 19 moons[/indent]




Small dilute calico

Dawnstep is a cat of few words, rather choosing to show her loyalty and devotion than talk about it, be it to her friends or her Clan. Her loyalty is fierce and she is strict about following rules that keep the Clan safe and make cats truly a part of a small society. She is hard working and can be trusted to do anything she is asked to do for the Clan - within reason.

However, she has strong opinions about StarClan and certain parts of the warrior code which condemn medicine cats in love and inter-Clan love. To her, it would be ideal for all the Clans to merge into a single, large Clan, and for everyone to be able to express their feelings freely. But that does not make her devotion to MistClan any smaller, though many might call her out for it and question her.

While caring for her Clanmates, she can be harsh as she tends to look at things without emotion and empathy when trying to solve a problem despite highly empathising. Her empathy makes her try and solve every issue, even those that might not have a single correct solution and those that are best solved between involved parties without outside interference. As selfless as she might be, she can also be incredibly selfish at times, either fighting hard for what she wants or harbouring negativity for a while or longer if she gives it up to someone else.

Dawnstep was born as Dawnkit to Ravensong and Mosswing alongside her brother, Flamekit (Flamepelt). Her brother always dragged her along on all sorts of adventures, though her strictness and unwillingness about leaving the camp made him create interesting adventures within their camp's confines, mostly including enacting some of their elders' tales or getting under the paws of busy apprentices doing chores in camp.

After a very exemplary kithood, she became a hardworking apprentice as Dawnpaw. She was a sort of Jack of All Trades for a long time - a decent hunter and a decent warrior, but also tended to butt in medicine cat work at times when she was free after successfully finishing her duties, convinced she could do things more properly than the old medicine cat and the then apprentice, Eelpaw, who received his full name quite late. In truth, she just wanted to know everything she could, even if it was not within her rank and duties, but she let it go soon enough, putting her focus on hunting. After all, she was most fit for it - her swiftness aided her in chases, and her lightness on paws made her harder to detect.

At 9 moons, her parents had Nightkit, now Nightpaw, their younger brother.

And so, after 8 moons of apprenticeship, her warrior naming ceremony gave her the name Dawnstep. She is most commonly found in one of the hunting patrols, often with her brother Flamepelt, though every so often she joins a border patrol to refresh her memory of the territory and just enjoy the sights.

On one of their hunting patrols, the siblings came across one of the dead cats. This still tends to disturb Dawnstep's sleep, and her trust in her Clanmates is not as strong as it used to be, though she remains loyal as ever. She does, however, want to know who is behind the murders so no more cats have to die and the monster can be sent well away from the Clans.

[indent]Has none.[/indent]


[indent]Well, obviously nope.[/indent]

[hider=Flamepelt - PC]

[indent][s]Flamekit[/s] -> [s]Flamepaw[/s] -> Flamepelt[/indent]

[indent]~1.5 years; 19 moons[/indent]




Black tom with some red/orange showing up in his fur.

Unlike his sister, Flamepelt is a very relaxed cat eager to explore and head into the unknown. He respects the code in its entirety and is ready to show it. He strongly believes in StarClan's guidance, however much his sister tried to change his mind.

Where his sister is somewhat selfish, he is selfless, always doing things to make others more comfortable. It does not make him resentful, as there is not really much that he wants strongly enough to fight for it or hold grudges over - he will always find a way for the other option to work for him. He is a cat that would do almost any favour for anyone, to the point of being willing of doing apprentice duties again if the need arises.

Flamepelt was born as Flamekit to Ravensong and Mosswing with his sister Dawnkit (Dawnstep). His sister never wanted to leave the camp in search of adventure like kits usually do - it was against the rules and dangerous. Flamekit never minded it - the camp was always large enough for two kits two wreak havoc, and he would not leave his sister behind. After all, if they could climb trees and stalk through reeds outside the camp, they could do the same inside the camp - climb all over the dens and crawl through the nests. Under the watchful eye of their mother, they explored every den top and corner, including their leader's, and entertained the elders with their interpretations of their tales.

As an apprentice, Flamepaw took to hunting more and faster than his sister. He enjoyed the stalking and the exploration of territory more than the repetitive fighting training always against the same opponent - his sister or his mentor. Well, his sister [i]sometimes[/i] made it more fun than his mentor.

At 9 moons, his parents had Nightkit, now Nightpaw, their younger brother.

Though he could have finished his apprenticeship a moon sooner than his sister, having trained more in his free time than Dawnpaw, he waited until she passed her final assessment and Flamepelt and Dawnstep kept vigil together. As a warrior, he also prefers hunting over border patrols and is amongst the better hunters, though he lacks the natural advantages of his sister's swift paws and light steps.

On one of their hunting patrols, Flamepelt and Dawnstep came across one of the found bodies of the dead cats. Flamepelt firmly believes none of their Clanmates would ever kill a cat like that, clearly in cold blood, and is willing to do anything to find out which Clan is hiding a murderer.






[hider=Stonebreeze - NPC]

[indent][s]Stonekit[/s] -> [s]Stonepaw[/s] -> Stonebreeze[/indent]

[indent]27 moons[/indent]



[indent]Medicine cat[/indent]

Grey tom with dark amber eyes

[color=00aeef][b]Short Description[/b][/color]
Stonebreeze came to be the medicine cat due to his lack of interest in usual warrior activities. His intelligence and calm demeanor made his mentor love him as an apprentice, though his tongue is sharp as a jagged rock and his "bedside" manners are not something his Clanmates are fond of.

Though still young himself, Foxpaw's care for others coupled with her willingness to learn everything made him accept her as his apprentice.



[hider=Squirrelbite - NPC]

[indent][s]Squirrelkit[/s] -> [s]Squirrelpaw[/s] -> Squirrelbite[/indent]

[indent]53 moons[/indent]



Large ginger tom with yellow eyes

[color=f26522][b]Short Description[/b][/color]
Squirrelbite is a fierce warrior, his name earned due to his preference of using teeth as his main weapon and for having a sharp tongue. He often intimidates other cats with his presence, resting glare, bluntness, and apparently quick temper, though his raised voice and commanding tones don't mean he is angry - he's just trying to fix a situation or proving his point and has no hard feelings for the many cats who end up targets of his temperament, which is all cats at some point.

Despite most cats feeling intimidated, they mostly trust his judgement and leadership even when they complain about his outbursts because he has proven to be efficient at caring for the Clan under their leader Emberstar. And also, Emberstar must have chosen the brash tom for a reason, right? There are enough brave cats in the Clan to inform him of bad news, anyway, so it's all good.



[i]No cats.[/i]