It was moments after awakening from darkness to an alarming violence of noise and senses, his mind was reeling from the events of mere seconds, yet he was awake. Every cell in his body is alive with the fire of life and he could feel every single one of them tingling in response to the universe around him. The very fire of creation was burning in his blood, a furnace of flesh was desperately trying to explode out of him as he lived and breathed. 

Gulping delicious breaths of air he felt his lungs change to accomodate more and more of it, his heart beat louder and stronger, for a brief moment his ears rang with the sound of rushing blood through the sensitive inner veins.  Blowing winds through the gaping hole in the wall touched him with a disquieting heat as the flames outside blew hot wind, but his skin thickened against it and he felt it no more. 

"Alive!" In a shout of pure ecstasy he cried straight through to the heavens. The preconception of his identity dissolving in this moment, he was not simply a mundane and hardly special man anymore, he was at the top of the food chain. There prickled in the back of his mind that thought, the top of the food chain. Not even noticing the change his eyes had grown and rolled in their sockets to seek out every little detail of the room he found himself in.

On the side of the pod he saw it. [b]Project Apex Warrior[/b] in emboldened all capitalized letters. The very pod that he himself had come from, attached to the wall by still connected tubing of what could only be assumed as the chemical sedative that had kept him unconscious for all this time. 

His eyes had already scanned and then his brain processed moments later. There were unhooked connection tubing just like the one he'd just come from, except there were no pods. The very last one was his own, still connected.

Suddenly to his nose burst the scent of fresh spore, the smell of another human's tracks. They'd been here moments before, the wheels of their gurney had left behind small tracts of black skidmarks on the floor leading out. Its repeated passage was marked by repeated and overlapping marks. 

No thought passed through his head as his muscles exploded with power, shooting him through the paneling in the roof and into the overhanging inner workings of the building. The din of approaching footsteps reached his ears as he scrambled through the tight passages meant only to be accessed for maintenance. The tightness of his movement becoming lessened as his body elongated and grew thinner to more easily slide through.

Whoever had been moving pods was going to move him, and he had no intent of being moved against his will ever again. 

No one would [i]ever[/i] hurt him again.
