[center]Duskwing reeled around as Moosepaw zipped by her; keeping her movements slow and awkward which was not easy for the slender she-cat to do. She was naturally quick and agile so reminding herself to focus on imitating a larger creature felt odd. [color=f7941d][b]"Bigger enemies will use their size and weight against you, and they usually stay low to the ground which makes them hard to knock over."[/b][/color] She turned and lumbered towards him rising up onto her hind legs for a brief second to bring both paws down towards him. She aimed just a little in front of the apprentice so that when her paws hit the ground they sent up a puff of snow and dirt directly into Moosepaw's face. While he couldn't see she ducked her head low and slammed into his chest with her full body weight; bowling him onto the ground before flopping down on top of him and batting at whatever she could reach with slow but powerful strikes of her sheathed paws.[/center]