
Joseph ran. Even though he'd managed to deal with Wireman, with some fairly unintended and honestly kind of upsetting results, he couldn't quite manage to get his scooter working again. He had briefly considered trying to figure out how to jumpstart it, but he quickly realised that would take too much time. He had to move [i]now.[/i]

And that led him to his current situation, running towards the Target Jamie had mentioned in the text and hoping she was ok. Of course, Joseph knew that at least in terms of raw power, Jamie was probably the member of their group who could handle an attack the easiest. However, so did the Win-... [i]EAGLES.[/i] If they were smart, they would've sent a good chunk of their forces after her, and while Seraph had many, [i]many[/i] flaws, Joseph at least had to admit that intelligence wasn't really one of them. 

How far was it now? It must've been a little over five minutes that he'd been running... Maybe around ten minutes? If he sprinted, that would probably be possible. If he did though, he might end up too tired to actually help out in the battle. But if he [i]didn't,[/i] he might end up getting there too late, which he [i]refused[/i] to let happen. Maybe... maybe he'd just have to apply some runes directly to his own body if he really didn't have any energy left by the time he arrived. He would just have to try and ignore the backlash until later, when they were all safe. With that in mind, he pushed himself to run just that little bit harder and faster. He had to be faste-

And then he heard the sound of screeching tires, as a familiar car skidded over to the side of the road.

[color=96EACE]"Jamie!"[/color] Joseph shouted, all but sprinting over to her. [color=96EACE]"You're... You're completely fine!"[/color]

His shoulders sagged in relief as he let out a breath he had only vaguely been aware he'd been holding.

[color=96EACE]"Thank god..."[/color] He sighed, before blinking in confusion as she explained the situation she'd been through. [color=96EACE]"They only sent [i]two[/i] people after you? That's... really stupid..."[/color]

[i]Almost [i]too[/i] stupid...[/i] Joseph thought to himself, beginning to wonder just how much more there was to Seraph's plans. However, he was snapped out of his thoughts when Jamie made the probably wise suggestion to leave.

[color=96EACE]"Right."[/color] Joseph said with a nod. [color=96EACE]"The Hag said we could hide out there if we need to, and she could probably help us find the others too."[/color]

However, just before he could actually get in the car, he heard an annoyed voice call out to them, or at least, calling out to Jamie. Turning to look at the speaker, he had to hide his surprise at the vision of... whatever he was looking at. A pink woman? Probably? Not quite human, clearly, but he supposed that wasn't entirely unusual because, you know, [i]superpowers.[/i] Still, considering the situation, this could still be a less than stellar situation.

[color=96EACE]"Heeeyyy... Person. Probably."[/color] He said slowly, almost unconsciously shifting to prepare for another fight. [color=96EACE]"Just to check, you aren't planning to try and turn us in to the Wi-... EAGLEs, are you?"[/color]