

Starbright couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion Seraph could avoid the footage. [color=fff200]"Ha ha ha, as if anyone is going to forget the kidnapping of America's sweetheart."[/color] Referring to himself. [color=fff200]"Yes he might get away with it if it were one of you normal people but I'm a star in the height of my popularity. Either way, its not like I can release it at the moment you didn't let me grab my phone before 'forcefully rescuing' me. So it should release in about 3 days from now. If we fail in your plan that's our back up."[/color] As the helicopter landed, he didn't comment on the suggestion he would become the most popular hero if this was a success. He simply stretched out of his relaxed position, [color=fff200]"you did save me though, so I will help you out with your plans."[/color]

Without even saying anything on the matter, Starbright got an earful about keeping it confidential. [color=fff200]"Oh my lips are sealed."[/color] He said in a way to worry Christina the most. Of course he wouldn't actually tell anyone but he started to get the idea he would enjoy teasing her, much like Patty. After that he thoroughly inspected the bin before getting in. As in like a minute of looking at every part of it to make sure it was clean. Even then Starbright swore he was pushed by Tom before he actually went down.


Was Starbright not supposed to get a little weirded out that HERO was keeping back up plans to take everyone out? Because that is exactly what he felt. It gave him a sense of unease to it all. His own contingency plan was horrific, changing his appearance would do so much worse than just killing him. At least if he died beautiful he would be able to be a martyr, him looking average to freakish would just make him nothing. But he got a laugh when he saw Patty's one. [color=fff200]"Hey, its not called plagiarism if the product 'never existed' right? I wouldn't mind this Anti-Noise thing for a bit of self protection against her. She ain't a murderer like Seraph's saying but that doesn't mean she is an angel by any means."[/color] As they carried on down he accepted the sponges given to him, but some part of him really wanted the dart gun for Seraph. It wasn't his place to make genuine demands though, teasing around was fine but when it came down to actual fighting it was best he just listened.

[color=fff200]"Oh my god! Is that Perfect Physique? More like saggy physique, am I right? Ha ha ha, you remember that right? About two years ago? Kind of ended your career, good times, good times."[/color] After Starbright's relentless teasing he saw the match ups form, he was against bulb boy. But Starbright would like to think he is smarter than that. After the fight with the leftovers a good few months ago, he can recognize an opponent that draws power from his and he wasn't going to stupidly blast at him like the Starbright of the past would do. [color=fff200]"Look, Bulb Bongo or whatever right? Here's the deal all I have to do is stall you long enough for Christina over there to absolutely demolish your Australian friend and then its only a matter of time before she comes over to put the lights out on you. Frankly, I would just hate to see it. As you may or may not know I have a fondness for light powers, and I would love to see you shine more in future. EAGLES doesn't really have a future left. So that being said, how much money do you want to join my friend over there"[/color] pointing at Tom [color=fff200]"and gang up on super sag instead. I'm sure I can make it much more worth your while than EAGLES ever will."[/color]

