[center][@Zoey Boey][@Hitman][@canaryrose][@DarkRecon][/center]
[color=6ecff6]"...Bullet...that pizza delivery guy with the heroic blog...while your help is appreciated, this isn't like any of your super hero fanfictions or fighting some Saturday morning super villain...this is real...we could all get hurt or worse...you can leave now if you wish but...the choice is yours..."

Chad bit his cheek to stop himself from speaking too quickly. This guy was a cop, so accidentally insulting him or something because he was angry would be a very bad idea for Chad. After thinking for a few seconds, Chad spoke up.

[color=8B4513]"Well, uh... I'm glad that you checked out my blog, it's super cool and I worked pretty hard on it. And I'm also glad that you appreciate my help here, cause I'm staying. I know the risks involved - and I also know that innocent people are being hurt right now. Even if I don't know them, I can't just pretend it's not happening."[/color]

Chad's monologue led him to another thought - Heroes don't kill, so Patricia definitely didn't kill those people they showed on TV. Who the hell did, then? It didn't look waterlogged, and there was no damage on his body - That left out the main people in the Wings of Law. Did they hire a villain to carry it out?

Chad winced when Patricia mentioned Mind Controlling Alpha. That sure as heck wasn't a good idea - even if it was the smart thing to do, and there wasn't that big of a chance of people learning about it. Trust was a two-way street, and if anything, [i]they[/i] should be the ones who were thankful that Alpha was willing to help them. After all, he was the guy who could rat them out at any moment, or put tracers on them, or whatever cool thing SWAT people do... If he wasn't going to help them, he would have called for backup the moment he confirmed Patricia was here.

Or, y'know, shoot them with a gun. Chad didn't think anyone present could survive a gun shot, and his reflexes were nowhere near fast to allow him to evade an actual bullet.

Oh no! Chad forgot to thank the guy for his help!

[color=8B4513]"Oh, and uh, we're REALLY thankful for the help! Just wanted to mention that, y'know? Yep."[/color]

Nailed it!

[color=darkorchid]"Let's go upstairs. I have a plan...well, I have the fledglings of a plan, which I guess will be enough for the time being,"[/color]

Chad followed Grace up the stairs, eager to learn their super cool plan on taking down the villains. They didn't usually show the plans in Movies until they were already happening, so this was new territory! When he came up to the upper section of Pandora's Potts, Chad leaned against the wall, leaning and moving his head as Grace moved various plants.

Chad frowned as Grace talked about abandoning Elmore Island in the assault plans. Her reasoning was definitely sound, especially since Chad hadn't put any thought whatsoever into actually entering the structure on the island. But security couldn't be heavier then it would be at HERO One, and it would take a lot longer for police and other heroes to reach Elmore Island than Club 27. 

Who was he kidding - the main reason was because Powers was probably there. He was so far the person Chad liked the most in HERO (excluding Starbright, or course), not to mention the only person who could help Chad keep his job at HERO. 

Chad ended up dropping his resistance as Grace continued to speak, however. She was right about clearing Patricia's name by going to Club 27 - the bodies there had to have some kind of evidence on them that helped prove her innocence, something that Forensics either hadn't discovered yet... Or something they were paid off by Seraph to ignore. But Club 27 was crawling with police... 

Nope! Screw that. Chad did not want to mess with the police - most of them didn't have any powers! If Chad messed up and a fight started, he might accidentally hurt someone! And just like his father always said - "The Police are the real Heroes!" Hurting them would be really, REALLY BAD!

Chad was distracted when Pandora picked up all the plants with one hand and kept them in the air, placing them back in their original spots. That... was definitely [i]not[/i] something related to the ground. Telekinesis? Chad shook his head, trying to distract himself. Now was not the time to be gawking at super powers, no matter how fun that is. A sudden thought struck into Chad's head, stopping him instantly.

[color=8B4513]"Oh, I got something to add!"[/color]

Chad raised his hand and bounced on his toes, as if trying to be picked to answer a question by a teacher. He turned to Alpha before speaking.

[color=8B4513]"Can't Mr. Alpha just go to the police at Club 27? They'd probably let him see the scene, wouldn't they?"[/color]

Chad turned back to Grace, and looked at the others before speaking again.

[color=8B4513]"Also, if we're calling dibsies, I would like to go to HERO One."[/color]