I made an app for something that isn't quite a nation or a single person. It's short and simple cause fuck apps. [hider][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VP92FDB.png[/img] [b][color=9e0b0f]Name:[/color][/b] Revolutionary Worker-Soldier Councils of Russia / Revolutionary Councils of Russia [b][color=9e0b0f]Description:[/color][/b] The Revolutionary Worker-Soldier Councils of Russia are soviets administering a loosely defined territory along the Volga River, with its central soviet assembled in Reznikov, the city formerly known as Tsaritsyn. It is a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, a self-proclaimed remnant and continuation of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1916. Reznikov is a militarized city of barricades besieged constantly by the Tsar's forces. [b][color=9e0b0f]History:[/color][/b][/center] In 1920, the Tsar's war machines came lumbering into Tsaritsyn triumphant, their treads caked with mud and the blood of revolutionaries as the city's meager defense broke and its protectors were crushed beneath the weight of metal beasts bearing the Imperial banners. The blood they spilled onto the streets flowed like a river, and the final shots of the civil war burst forth from behind crude barricades. From Petrograd to Moscow, the trail of blood they left behind came to rest there, turning the city into a drainage for the years-long bloodbath. With the war at an end, and the last of the rebels shot, what had begun with a thunderous roar ended with the whimpering of dying men lined against blood-soaked walls - here came to rest all that remained of the daring dream of years prior, beneath the dirt in hastily-dug mass graves to hide away the shame of the deed. The blood which seeped between the cracks in the pavement saturated the soil with contempt. Those which had escaped the slaughter reconvened in secret, working from the shadows to mount a resistance. The years that followed the end of war were ones of extreme repression by the Tsar's secret polices, fueling further discontent. Tsaritsyn fell into disrepair, becoming a time-capsule of the war in both a physical sense, as well as ideologically beneath the surface, where hate stirred in the hearts of many longing for vengeance and a chance to rise up from the dirt under which they had been forced to cower. The Tsar's untimely passing sent reverberations of uncertainty and instability throughout his domain. The unprecedented ascension of Kira Romanov, a woman, to the throne further widened the cracks which had formed and never been filled. Russia began to fracture again. In Tsaritsyn, revolutionaries were quick to act. With support from its military garrison, the city came under the control of the newly formed Revolutionary Soldier-Worker Councils. Tsaritsyn was renamed Reznikov is honor of an Old Bolshevik who had cheated death, or risen from the grave, and it prepared for war. A Dictatorship of the Proletariat was established in Reznikov, with influence along the Volga river, and particularly in Saratov, which had similarly been renamed Engels after a soviet was established there independently. Its populace became militarized out of necessity and its able-bodied men and women were sent forth to guard its approaches. Constantly harassed by agents of the Tsar and upstart Hetmans, Reznikov reentered a period of war, with the fractious state of Russia allowing its defenders, although poorly armed and equipped, to defend the territory. Around them, the cracks which had formed and widened continued to form rifts as Russia came apart. Reznikov stands at the center.[/hider]