[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vi6t7Fa.png[/img] & [img]https://i.imgur.com/9ry9Z7H.png[/img] & [img]https://i.imgur.com/qI0IA2q.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=YellowGreen]"He said that the souls would be down shortly, that's good enough for just relax some."[/color] Kiim was just to assuage Jaav, this generally did not work and usually ended up in bickering, and yet they both continued. Guul honestly wondered how long they'd have to wait in the rain, it might've been a wonderful place at sometime but now it was just a muddy hillside. Jaav had insisted that they leave the Barge off the ground somewhat, even if it was now flipped over in the air to keep the rain from filling anything much there. [color=Teal]"Yeah but shortly for him includes the next decade so I'd rather get back to a nice beach on Kubrazjar, catch a few fish... ...not sit in the mud waiting for some two bit murderers to show up!"[/color] In truth they weren't truly [i]in[/i] the rain per se, the barge was over them which afforded some cover although their position on the hill side still met that mud came running down over their clawed feet. Guul squished some between a claw. There was always something about dirt and mud, always different place to place, there was a lot of a variance between even little things wherever you went. Maybe one could even figure out where they were if one knew the soils well enough. [color=YellowGreen]"Two bit murderers? Come now, they cut a decent swath of blood through the north of Toraan back when they were alive. Thaa might've even gotten involved if they hadn't run into that witch when they did."[/color] Jaav sounded more bored with the argument than anything, but it probably beat waiting for them, [color=Teal]"Yeah yeah, just why now though? I mean sure the big guy is bring back a lot of different sorts now, but this is reaching pretty far back right? I mean agriculture was still a pretty new thing for a lot of people when they were walking about. I'm not even sure some of the major cities were founded back then either in this region..."[/color] [color=YellowGreen]"He's got a lot of perspective, I'm sure there is a reason that'll become apparent. Besides, we're going back to Kubra after, not like he's keeping us out to set up everything for some mortals right? Just a bit of body formation when the souls get here and we'll be back out huh?"[/color] [color=Teal]"Don't try to cheer me up..."[/color] The conversation switched back to more general bickering between moments of silence. Just how the two liked to spend their time Guul supposed. Guul drew in the mud, she wanted to get better at all that after she had seen some mortals doing paintings, it looked kinda fun. Of course one didn't have the time to practice much or get supplies, especially when you shared most of a body and limbs with two bickering godlets. Guul was a godlet too by that definition, bit of a funny name for that. It was about another hour of that before further word from Thaa came. Or rather, the oppressive force that became apparent whenever we wished to speak with a million voices into their minds at anytime of day at any inconvenience. [color=Fuchsia]"The Five will be there shortly, they are transiting through the array."[/color] [color=Teal]"Finally! What took so long? Was there any point at all to making us stand out here rather than jsut saying when they'd be coming?"[/color] Thaa replied in his usual style to most demands of him, he ignored it. [color=Fuchsia]You are prepared to enage the task as I have laid out?"[/color] Kiim interupted before Jaav gave another remark, or rather Kiim spoke over Jaav giving a colorful remark. [color=YellowGreen]"Yes we are prepared, the souls will be connected before the formation of their undead forms, and subsequent power will be made to fully form a new kind of body as instructed."[/color] [color=Teal]...and I hope the sun blasts you right in your-[/color] [color=Fuchsia]"Good."[/color] The force faded back with the final word, and it was rather hard to get the last word in, although Jaav always still tried. Java continued yelling back up to Aquibeophates, although Thaa likely ignored such, right up until Kiim spotted the souls. The next part wasn’t that hard at all in any singular part. Essentially taking the souls of some soon to be Wights and merging them into something new and different, and then a bunch of particularities of body to keep them stable that way. In thought, this was a lot easier than in practice. It ended up taking a similar and different approach to how to run things, five souls connected and merged, fused together. Their body looked similar to their soul as a consequence trying to get things running correctly, four legs, one often retracted up as it preferred walking on two, five sets of arms and heads, torsos merged in some large mass of ill undying flesh and bone. It would work well enough, after all they would be quite hard to kill and strong enough to make use of such a body at that. The mind was a difficult thing, surely the plan was eventually after any work was done to unfuse the souls and send such back to paradise, of course that was probably going to be left to Thaa as it became a delicate act not to let the different personalities and identities throw the whole thing apart, it took essentially creating a strong bond between each so that one blended into the next. Truly only the real idea of identity that remained was one that all five shared. The murderous little cabal they called the ‘White Skulls’, truthful they did take a lot of iconography of death in their dealings, and more than a few memories Guul could see might actually have been influence by Thaa in their living lives, what might have been dreams or chats, it was hard to tell and Thaa did not mention such. Although, Thaa did not always mention a lot. When it was done they had the merged being unconscious in the mud, undead so little enough to worry about that as it rained on, but still business was done. The other two wanted to get back to Kubrajzar rather than wait around to explain things to a powered up Wight. The being would wake soon enough, hadn’t seen the purpose of consciousness while they were still merging things and the body that it had should keep it safe enough. If they went to a beach on Kubra perhaps she could practice in the sand… [hr] They gasped awake. Or rather, they [i]felt[/i] like they did so, they didn’t intake any breath. They got up, their legs pushed them off the ground and back onto their legs. [i]Wait.[/i] It took a moment to realize, they had four legs, and many more arms. And, they saw so much around them. They turned in the rain as the mud was caked on them still. It shifted the view as they saw the faraway forest. They inspected their body with a kind a fervor even as they kept watch, it was strange and clear to suddenly be able to focus on so much so intently. Questions of what, and who they were ran through their mind. Names, memories, they came up and yet they didn’t all fit together, they didn’t make sense for what they were right now. Except one thing, White Skulls. That worked for now. That would do, they needed to get moving anyway. The rain was miserable. They began to run out to the forest, they knew how to survive- and could probably manage to do whatever their current needs were. Besides they might run into a traveler in the woods hiding from the rain. That could be fun. [hider=Summary]We open on Kiim’Jaav’Guul chilling under the barge waiting for some souls that we learn are a group of ancient serial killers in northern Toraan. The Three are waiting for the five souls so that they can form them into something unique as we learn as Thaa confirmed they are soon to arrive and their precise instructions. It isn’t long before they get to work and we see a brief part after the Three go back to Kubrajzar for vacation of the new ‘White Skulls’ figuring themselves out before they bolt off into the forest.[/hider] [hider=MP Summary] [color=Fuchsia]Thaa Start: 5 MP, 4 DP -5 MP, 4 DP, Two Free Titles for White Skulls Titles Thaa End: 0 MP, 0 DP[/color] [hider=Titles][b]Undying V:[/b] White Skulls can survive wounds and even can slowly heal that which should have killed an ordinary man. They won't go into shock or otherwise be debilitated beyond the physical debasement, an arm cut off means that they can't use that arm, not that they have been declawed. Their soul is tied to their body by bonds stronger than that life ordinarily permits, as such even when they should be dead, they remain tied to their body as it tries to heal to whatever extent it can. [b]Soul Fusion II:[/b] White Skulls was once five separate people, but upon their passing their souls have been fused together into a greater whole, this provides some benefit in being able to keep track of multiple actions or trends as if they were a single person focusing their full attention on one thing. [b]Strength I:[/b] White Skulls is unnaturally strong, capable of impressive feats of strength beyond what would be expected of an ordinary being of their size. [b]Regeneration I:[/b] White Skulls is unnaturally capable of regeneration or reforming parts of their body that they have lost or been damaged, completely reforming a limb may take months, or a short few days to regain full use of a recently detached limb.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Prestige] White Skulls: 0 +3 For 6.0k Characters End: 3[/hider]