
[color=cyan]Time:[/color]  Morning
[color=cyan]Location:[/color] Forest outside of Roshmi
[color=cyan]Interactions:[/color] Darius[@FunnyGuy], Elthrael[@Dezuel], Zephyrin[@Howlsofwinter][/center]

Bowyn raised an eyebrow at Zephyrin and grinned slightly. [color=cyan]“If I was being held captive would they really let me go fishing all on my own? I’’m Bowyn, and strangely enough I am actually here of my own free will.”[/color] He said finding it amusing. Traveling in the company of a pair of elves, a human, and forest fairy in the southernmost part of Avalia was certainly not how he’d ever thought his life would go. Bowyn could barely surpress the urge to roll his eyes at Elthrael’s flirtatious magic show he put on for the newcomer. While Elthrael’s talent with magic was more than respectable, it was clear to Bowyn the forest fairy was more preoccupied with chasing skirts than he was with the rebellion. While there were many circumstances in which he could see this being a hindrance currently it occurred to him that the forest fairy’s brand of charm could be of use; because Zephyrin was a problem. 

Though she didn’t appear to be an enemy, she had already seen Darius using his magic. There was no way to pretend that he was anything but a human, and while most winter fae weren’t exactly chomping at the bit to help Aklenroth there were many circumstances in which he could see her selling them out to their enemies. Be it for the sizable bounty on the human’s head or to save herself should the lone fairy run afoul any dark elves. To allow her to part ways with the group would be a huge risk, but keeping her around would mean they could at least keep an eye on her. So he kept quiet while Elthrael went on about fruit and roses, keeping any sarcastic comments to himself and hoping the forest fae’s charm worked better here than it had at the tavern. Instead Bowyn went about eating his breakfast and thinking more on the present situation. Why else would a winter fairy travel so far from their village alone if not out of a sense of boredom and need for excitement and adventure. 

[color=cyan]“You mentioned you were lost, I hope you were not on your way to Roshmi City. We just came from there, it’s absolutely littered with Dark Elves, not really the kind of place that would be hospitable to a winter fairy traveling alone. But if you happen to be more interested in adventure and less concerned with the destination then I think you’re more than likely to find that if you stick with us. And there is safety in numbers after all.”[/color] Bowyn offered the invitation with a forced smile after Elthrael had finished his bit. He hoped he had pegged her motives correctly. Though it felt slimy and underhanded to manipulate another into the rebellion, the danger of dark elves tracking them down concerned Bowyn much more than the ethics of his actions. He would feel worse if he were to die in this forest without accomplishing anything, and even worse still if dark elves managed to follow them to port town where Torvi and Belle were likely going to be as well. The fate of one of his own race paled in comparison to fates of those he already considered friends and to the entirety of the rebellion.