[color=6ecff6][h3][b]Terneus Andros[/b][/h3][/color]

The morning was a sour one, if one were a governor. There had been no sign of edible things along the path he had gone, and the signs didn't make any sense to him. They all seemed to be like very crude drawings, not at all like proper elven signs which were delicate, intricate and far superior. But where exactly had he gone, it felt like he had gone for days with his legs and he felt like throwing up whenever he was reminded of the disgracefulness of having drunk water from a muddy pool. Who knew what else had stuffed it's ugly mug in it, all manner of beasts and inferior things. The elf quickly shook his head, he couldn't allow himself to stoop to such a level to dwell on lesser creatures. Which in the larger picture were insignificant no doubt.

The hardships put forth, he had cleared them all with elegance, at least he thought so. The gods were most certainly going to reward him soon for his temporary sacrifice and suffering. Then the elf's ears began to twitch, what in the elven graces was causing that noise? It was with outmost boldness that the governor decided to step into the forest, what were in the forest that could possibly pose a threat to an elf of his standing. No doubt with every pitiful critter simply scatter upon seeing him. No doubt had the birds and other creatures spread far and wide the words of the generousity, grace but also the power of one such as he.

Then he heard a whistle and some sound against the floor, the unmistaken sound of a horse. A horseman in the forest? Perhaps one of his servants looking for him or perhaps someone having been dispatched to relieve him of his troubles. It was with a mix of anger and annoyance that the elf saw a figure ride further away from him.

[color=6ecff6][b]"He-"[/b][/color] He began to open his mouth to yell towards the horseman and his passanger which resembled some kind of beast. 'A tamer out here?' The elf thought as he moved through the various bushes. Where did all that spiderweb comes from anyways? Some ranger had certainly failed his woodsman tasks of keeping the forests tidy.

Then the elf saw something ahead, two other figures fighting against what seemed to be large arachnids.

[color=6ecff6][i]'I cannot allow myself to be looking bad here. Ugh...'[/i][/color] The elf pinched the bridge of his nose, which reminded him of his pain in his face and that made him boil over. All the walking, no food, no servant, no clear water, no wine... That's it. It was time to let go of a little steam, but surely the elven governor was a man of patience, understanding and restraint.

[color=6ecff6][b]"Die you eightlegged vermin! I've killed two-hundred of your ilk already!"[/b][/color] He yelled and raised his hand to shoot beams of light to pierce some of the spiders. And it was not long after that he recognized one of the figures.

[color=6ecff6][i]'Isn't that the half-wit Kalay- Kenova... whatever her name was travelling with. Fortune at last!'[/i][/color] The elf suddenly felt more energy coming to him.

[color=6ecff6][b]"Where is your mistress, half-wi- Ah."[/b][/color] He took a moment to cough and change his question. [color=6ecff6][b]"Your. MISTRESS. Where. Is. She? Do-you-understand?"[/b][/color] The governor pointed to Malachi and then to his own forehead, trying his luck at body langauge. After all, someone in the gathering was clearly lacking a few noble steeds in their stable. Terneus also set the eyes on the other figure next to Malachi, what manner of beast was this? Like a... fat elf without the graceful ears? Probably some kind of disgusting demi-human or experiment.