[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/81IEtdI.png[/img] [/center]

[color=Gold]“Another Ars Magi?!”[/color] Dana echoed incredulously after Astrelle made her observation about Victoria’s opponent. [color=Gold]“B-But… Ars Magi are all on the same side!”[/color]

[color=Gold][i]Aren’t they…?[/i][/color]

Perhaps what she had always been told, what she had always [i]believed,[/i] had been [i]wrong.[/i] Perhaps there were Ars Magi that had been corrupted by the Void and now served them, or maybe even [i]controlled[/i] them… It was a disquieting thought, to be sure, and something Dana didn’t particularly want to dwell on. Thankfully, something more pressing soon drew her attention, as Nicole volunteered to go back for Penny and Vanna.

[color=Gold]“I’ll come with ya!”[/color] Dana started to say, before she found herself being forcibly restrained by two of the soldiers. Thanks to her impressive speed and agility, Nicole was able to deftly avoid them, but the worn out Dana was simply no match.[color=Gold] “H-Hey!”[/color] she yelped. [color=Gold]“What’s the big idea?! I’m just tryin’ to help my friends!”[/color] 

“You can do that best by staying here.” The soldier told her firmly. “Besides, you look completely exhausted. Just rest a bit,” he added in a slightly more friendly tone, while glancing at the wounded man the girls had brought with them. “You’ve already done more than enough.”

[color=Gold]“O-Okay,”[/color] Dana relented. [color=Gold]“I guess you’re right…”[/color]

She hated to admit it, but she [i]was[/i] feeling incredibly tired, like her body had been utterly drained of energy. Sitting down next to Astrelle, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a moment.

[color=Gold]“Wow… This really [i]does[/i] feel… good…”[/color]




“…is clear and back on route,” the voice of Victoria Glass was saying. Slowly opening her eyes, Dana was greeted with the sight of the Ars Magi herself standing over them. She seemed to be a bit beaten up from her duel.

[color=Gold][i]Huh… Guess I fell asleep…[/i][/color]

Victoria went on to inform them that they would be landing in less than an hour, after which they would all be examined and treated for potential Nox poisoning, although the Ars Magi was doubtful that there was anything to worry about. That’s when Penny spoke up, asking about the cause of Victoria’s injuries.

[color=Gold]“Y-Yeah,”[/color] Dana added, still a little groggy from her unplanned nap. [color=Gold]“I-It looked like you were fightin’ another Ars Magi… W-Was it some kinda Void that could shape shift?”[/color]