[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmI5ZDc2NS5TMlZ1YVdFLC4w/vanjar.regular.png[/img][/center] [Color=8dc73f]Time:[/color] Morning [Color=8dc73f]Location:[/color] Forest [Color=8dc73f]Interaction:[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Darius [@Helo] Bowyn [@Alivefalling] “Vaeril” [@Dezuel] Elthrael [@HowlsOfWinter] Zephyrin [hr] [Color=8dc73f]"Some may be more dependable than others."[/color] Kenia said in response to Zephyrin as her eyes glanced over to Elthrael. She doubted how dependable he would be. The man decided to leave the group last night and build himself a shelter. The lack of offering to build a shelter for all of them spoke a lot to Kenia about the type of person he was. He was selfish, that was very clear. She'd turned back to her pack, going through it once more to take inventory of what she had as she listened to the others. At Elthrael's words towards her she considered for a moment hurling the throwing dagger she was glancing at in her pack at him, but Bowyn's words made her pause. She decided she liked this winter fairy. He could be blunt and had quite the sharp tongue. She enjoyed this much more than flowery words much like Elthrael liked to use. She'd have to thank Bowyn later for helping keep her from losing her temper. [Color=8dc73f]"You caught me, Elthrael. I had QUITE an image in my head. You know I've always fantasized about castrating a man and feeding him his own balls and I couldn't help imagine you being the perfect candidate. Care to help me in fulfilling this fantasy?"[/color] She asked as she stood and slung her pack over her shoulder, giving the moth man a sadistic grin. Scarily enough there was something in her eyes that said she wasn't joking about this. She then turned to Darius and her grin turned into an appreciative one. [Color=8dc73f]"That'll be very helpful, thank you Darius."[/color] She then glanced at everyone else, eager to get moving. [Color=8dc73f]"Shall we?"[/color] She asked, though truth be told even if they weren't ready she was going to start heading out shortly.