[color=aba000][b][h3]Elthrael Vol'Kerno[/h3][/b][/color] Each action has a reaction. This is something he learnt long ago, his mentor often told him the importance of consequences. How it all was linked together like a massive long chain of events. Much like the events which had passed on in the past, the events of the present and those which would lie in wait in the future. The most cunning of all hide behind a mask of a fool, yet if he remains behind that mask for too long he may become the fool. Yet reveal a part of yourself, and others may come to do the same as a statement of either agreement or disagreement. Much could be learnt from it. Much had been learnt from it. Kenia, the elven woman was displaying her nature openly and drawing attention to herself. She wouldn't be an ally of the lich, that much was certain to him. The male winter fairy was similar to the elven woman, yet not as openly dreadful with his words. He showed concern for the group, not a trait of a spy or a servant of the lich for certain. Out of those present, he seemed the least likely to be serving the lich king and that made him an ally. His perception of the moth fairy's words and behaviour to Zepherin made more of his nature known. [color=aba000][i]'How easily some can reveal their true nature just by their words or actions... but people can only react in manners of their own experience. Not all bear the luxery that my mentor bestowed upon me.'[/i][/color] The female winter fairy, Zephyrin was appearing grateful and energetic. A big contrast to her male counterpart, yet such could also be a fine thing. Her nature however was far more difficult to discern, the girl had a look about her. That of a sly little vixen, the girl was certainly worthy to make note of. Perhaps she was the most similar to him out of all present, time would however tell if such would indeed be the case. Patience would reward those who'd had it, and Elthrael had the patience to wait. Bide his time, watch his companions closely with penetrating intent. The human of the company, was a hydromancer? Just like how Elsea had controlled the very flames themselves, this man could wield water to his bidding? That power was certainly grand in it's own way. But if this was the case, than this man wouldn't be able to defeat the lich alone. How could one drown something which doesn't even breathe? It was a pity, had he had been given control over the fire that Elsea had things may have worked out more fine. But as it now looked, there would be no reason to train him to become stronger if he cannot do anything to the lich. Just how many more humans were in Avalia? Were the rebellion doomed to fail? [color=aba000][i]'He listens well however, that itself is promising. A thinking man is a good man. It is one you can bend to your whim with the right words. That other beings find interest in you is not an oddity. It is to be expected. Even if ultimately it may prove to be a disappointment.'[/i][/color] He thought briefly back about Elsea, then he watched as Zephyrin's attention set on Darius. The moth fairy adorned his corner-toothed smirk as he turned his head to answer. [color=aba000][b]"To act one must first see, to see one must focus, to focus one must remain calm in thought aswell as form. Though I can see how the fair missy's snow-coloured skin can be blinding. As for the the danger, it hasn't changed at all for me."[/b][/color] He allowed a soft chuckle to escape his lips. [color=aba000][b]"Trust none, none in this group nor this world. That is the best service you can do to yourself and those who share your path along the way. The only thing you can trust is that people will do what is within their nature to do, whatever that may be."[/b][/color] The moth fairy mused softly, moving away some strands of his white hair from his face, allowing them to join his hair flowing over his shoulders. Kenia's reaction to his words had not been met well or so it seemed, as the woman had barraged him with words. And so early in the day too. He felt obligated to return the favour at that point, to simply let it slip would be rude. [color=aba000][b]"Much akin to the yellow and green fruits when they are newly grown, you seem overly sour. Must be that elven women age like milk or akin, after all you do not look -that- young."[/b][/color] It was in a taunting manner that his words were chosen, they came out of his mouth almost with a pouty-looking expression on his face, before his face completely changed to be fully serious. [color=aba000][b]"Though if you were intending to fulfill said fantasy of yours, I would have no other choice but to squeeze you... like a lemon... until you run dry."[/b][/color] His mouth showed no sign of jesting, his gaze cold towards Kenia before his lips formed into a smile and his expression changed to a more amused one. [color=aba000][b]"So pleasantries aside, shall we get moving hm? Like following the flow in a stream wouldn't you say, Darius?"[/b][/color]