


It had happened in some form of slow motion or bullet time or whatever you wanted to call it. Enrique in his usual blissful ignorance had rolled in front of some fancy car but luckily for him, he had snapped free from his daze with enough wearwithal to jump up off of his skateboard, allowing it to roll underneath the approaching vehicle. The lothario lost his footing and stumbled knee first onto some nearby grass but quickly popped back up to his feet, he had an image to protect after all.

This sense of self awareness lasted all but three seconds as Rico quickly pulled his guitar case from his back and laid it gently on the ground as if it were a newborn babe. He popped open the lid to check on his beloved six string; he caressed its sides searching for scratches, he tuned it thrice to make sure it was as it should be and he plucked a few strings in hopes none had snapped. Thank God everything seemed to be fine, he kissed it lightly [color=FB8B00]”Gracias a Dios, estás bien, querida”[/color] Exhaling his anxieties of a damaged guitar, his lifeblood, from his body, the romanced closed up the lid again and turned his attention to the SUV that nearly wiped him out. He didn’t recognise it and despite the amount of reality altering chemicals he normally pumped into his body after sunset, he still retained a solid memory and he definitely didn’t remember this SUV; must be a Liberty kid.

Within seconds, a young woman jumped out of the vehicle and was at his side. [i][color=B75EB3]“Oh my God! I am so sorry! My aunt is a terrible driver-- [sub]but you already know that, clearly…[/sub] Are you okay?! Did she actually hit you anywhere?! God, Uncle Warren’s gonna have a field day if he finds out...”[/color][/i]

Enriqure looked up from his blessed guitar and caught sight of his would be assassin. Had he actually died? Was this the big show in the sky? Cos this girl looked like she just stepped off of a cloud made of miracles. Soft tanned skin, a body that was in point and that hair, like a beautiful flower lost on a snowstorm. And the dress, Lord have mercy she nearly killed him twice in sixty seconds. Here was yet another angel amongst the many of Rosefell for Rico Suave to love unconditionally. Yet there was something familiar about this girl, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Had they met before? Surely he would recognise such a creature? Maybe she was simply a witch that had entered his dreams?

Before he could speak and question La Bruja about her hotter version of Freddie Krueger type magical abilities, the pair were soon joined by dude bro Hunter Quinn; a constant joy in the mariachi’s world. [i][color=sienna]“Jesus, Rico. You okay, bro? Looks like you let your guard down. Almost met your maker there.”[/color][/i]

The relationship that Hunter and Rico shared began as ten years olds when Enrique first arrived in Columbus from Mexico. As part of a buddy system, he wound up with the baby Quinn as his partner. It was Hunter that gave Rico the lay of the land and helped him get settled into this new world. After a while as all friendships do, it fizzled amicably and their worlds diverged as their lives drifted onto different waves. Fast forward to Rosefell High, sophomore year and a homecoming party of legendary proportions. There was a dancer, some weed and Hunter wanting to get his dick wet. Insert Rico, his guitar and the art of seduction and an hour later Hunter was in the back of the car with a naked dancer and his friendship with the Mexican loverboy had been rekindled and a bromance was born.

Enrique put his hand on his friend's shoulder as a sign of solidarity but also just steady himself somewhat. [color=FB8B00]”It’s all good, brother man. Cero miedo. I didn’t meet my maker but I did meet this vision in lavender”[/color] The smooth operator turned to face the young woman. [color=FB8B00]”Please, mi amor; don’t apologise. I was the one in the way. Though now having met you, I’m kind of glad I was. I’m Enrique; this is Hunter. You must be new here, sorry to welcome you in such an uncivilised fashion, let me fix that”[/color] With a smile bright enough to melt the polar ice caps; Rico took the strangers hand and pressed a soft kiss to the top of the dreamweavers ring finger.

[color=FB8B00]”No me quitaste la vida pero ciertamente me dejaste sin aliento”[/color][/center]