Shadowhold Fields We watch as the ships retreat and Valkyrie is stuck. We cheer. We know she is not yet defeated, but these champions from another world can fight. I grab a sword from the wreckage of the bombardment. I raise it high and roar as best my lungs will allow. We all know the plan for combating the air ships. We'll lose more than half our forces. We can only hope Lord Karnariel will be able to win with whats left. I close my eyes and let the shine of the sun warm my face. I have not lived long. I have not lived well. But I have lived with meaning. I open my eyes. Valkyrie's armada moves into position above us. Valkyrie Outnumbered and betrayed. Injured and mocked. These outsiders are just a symptom of the problem. The lack of leadership by both Father and Commander is appalling. They are too soft. The only language these dogs understand is the law of might. They must be crushed and culled. Made to know their place. My steely body moves. The tolling bell that is my finger raps out an impatient annoyed rhythm. I'll show them. I'll set an example Father won't be able to ignore. The gateway back opens. Focusing my power I use the malleable state of my world to fabricate my old body. My will flows into it. It's senses mine. It's limbs move in proxy of my own. It's an odd thing. To be a puppet of ones own will. Something not many have experienced. I emerge from the gateway exactly where I had planned. Behind the fox girl. I can feel the presence of her foul arts. I liberate myself from them as I grasp her by the throat. She'll not be able to do that again. She's stronger than any human or god has the right to be. I act before she can overpower me. My power flows through this body like an ocean through a river. It envelopes her like winter winds. Now she is free. After all, what is banishment but freedom from everything you know. She will not be able to return so easily. I can only do this a few times before the power be comes unstable. I scan the battle field. Karnariel hasn't spotted me yet. I can't see the one that follows the old ways. But my eyes do find the angel. My power gathers like a snow drift aside the mountain. I let it rush over me. I am momentarily free from the world. When the winds die down I am before the angel. I summon my spear-sword. "I've come for your head angel. Any last words before you die?"