
[color=ed145b]"Well, hopefully that will make our search a little easier,"[/color] Sarah says as they leave the Archives. [color=ed145b]"It's still a bit daunting to try and find the Oracles all over the map."[/color]

"I'll be honest, Peter says, rubbing his head, "This is probably the furthest I've ever been from home. The idea of going even further is rather intimidating... though I have to admit, also a bit exciting."

[color=ed145b]"It is, isn't it?"[/color] Sarah muses. [color=ed145b]"I mean, the view from the sky-mantas was wonderful. A bit windy, but you get used to it. The view was definitely worth it. I mean, you're way up there in the sky, and you look down and everything looks small, like doll towns. I couldn't even see individual people, I was so high up..."[/color]

"I don't know, what if you fell?" Peter replies, looking a bit green at the thought. "It's an awfully long way down..."

[color=ed145b]"Well, Pip almost slid off the wing, but that's because he was so small,"[/color] Sarah admits. [color=ed145b]"Still, he didn't mind. Did you, Pip?"[/color]

[color=orangered]Pip barks cheerfully at the mention of his name.[/color]

[color=ed145b]"Oh, I wonder what the view from the towers is like?"[/color] Sarah speaks up cheerfully.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm fine around here, ma'am," Peter says nervously. "Maybe we should tour the rest of the castle first nice and slooOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!"

Despite Peter's protests, Sarah grabs him by the arm and drags him along to get a view from the tower. Pip barks and chases after them.

[color=ed145b]"Hurry up, Stephanie!"[/color] Sarah calls out cheerfully. [color=ed145b]"I bet it's a wonderful view from up there!"[/color]