5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4
10 | 8 | 11 | 9 | 6
12 | 10 | 13 | 9 | 6
Reinforcement | Third Eye / Dark Regeneration
Martial Training | Monstruous Metamorphosis | Environmental Sealing | Masculinity | Sorcery (Runes) | Overcity Shift| Enhanced Transformation
Divine Competence | Paragon | Mana Font | Black Coin | Non-Exclusivity
Rites | Arrogance | Debt | Betrayal
Devourer [/center][/hider]

Reaver let a small chuckle, upon hearing Seppa's reply. "You heard the lady, o Queen." He paused as he shifted his spear. "Just because we're in the same kind of circles, we're not as shallow as [i]Chloe[/i] who had the nerve of running on her own commitments." He spat at Penny, fully knowing that in all likelihood, Chloe was an unhealed scar that he could exploit. "Great technique, but still more shallow and stupid than she carried herself to be." He paused.

"Still given that we were once colleagues, albeit very briefly, I will consider your proposal. To make me drop the spear peacefully you must give me something better than the possible debt and betrayal that comes from double crossing the Mint AND... something better than the promised Valhalla of my master Odin." He said unironically, before cracking another smile."Though if you were to act all coy and bossy and step on me, it would work a little." 

He rattled his shield and began to bang on it as he beckoned. "Can you hear it, Penny? That dark thrumming of strife? Put yourself to test. Wash away any mediocrity and compromise. Cast yourself in the gaze of the Allfather, with the bloody symphony of war!" He began to laugh as he began to make his movement in brisk steps, like those of a weaponmaster, towards Penny, his target.