[center][h2][b][i][color=8EBDC1] Stonefall: WillowClan Camp[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [center][b]Interacting with:[/b][@savannahssu][/center] Stonefall could feel Fernstar's hidden excitement, read her shifting paws for what it was. Not nerves. Not anxiety. But [i]excitement.[/i] He couldn't help but feel his heart swell in pride for his leader, whose wisdom and strength had brought this Clan together where before there had been nothing. His life alone had been utterly transformed by her, by this Clan, let alone all of the other Warriors, the Apprentices, all of them. And now...now she was going to be welcomed by [i]StarClan.[/i] He couldn't [i]wait.[/i] At Fernstar's question, Stonefall felt a bit of doubt creeping into his mind. [i]You're too young for this. There are better cats for this. You don't actually belong here. You'll always just be a stray.[/i] [color=8EBDC1][b]"Well,"[/b][/color] Stonefall mewed softly, resolving himself to shoving those doubts away. Fernstar, in all of her wisdom, had chosen [i]him[/i] for a reason. He just needed to remember that. [color=8EBDC1][b]"I don't think any of us are really ever ready when a new challenge comes along like this."[/b][/color] he continued thoughtfully, wrapping his long tail around his paws as he spoke, eyes glinting in reflection. [color=8EBDC1][b]"But I do know that I will do [i]everything[/i] in my power to protect my Clanmates and keep them safe while you are away."[/b][/color] The sound of his Clan behind them, Spidernose's soft, light voice, Stormheart's laughter, the sounds of [i]life.[/i] Stonefall heard Honeypaw's excited mewing, thought of Moosepaw's Warrior ceremony coming soon, felt nothing but [i]excitement[/i] at the prospect of everything to come. And he would defend them all to his last breath.