"Oh please don't eat me please don't eat me please, please, please don't eat me! Whatever I did, I'm sorry! I'll do anything! Wh-whatever you want! So just, just please, please don't eat me!"

If Yue could sink any deeper into the wall, she would. Anything to put just that little bit of extra distance between her and this silver terror. Unfortunately, it's as solid as it's ever been. Even more unfortunately, it's exemplary wall-like properties are the only thing right now keeping all those scary river-demons from snatching her off to who-knows-where, so she can't even be mad about it! How did she get herself into this mess? Is this because she picked those berries without a permit? Is that a thing? Do you need permits to pick berries nowadays? 

She flinches and nearly has her legs knocked out from underneath her as a fluffy green blur zips out from between them, yipping pitifully. Brave little Kat, always so reliable when circumstances are dire, crosses the space between Yue and the intruder in a single bound. And then the next one carries the little fox between [i]her[/i] legs too. It only takes her another four scrabbling, panicky leaps to reach the Perfect Ultimate Safety of the moth eaten blanket she won't let Yue get rid of (or fix) and disappears under it, invisible but for the constant trembling of her tiny body. Little traitor! You could have at least been brave enough to go for help, but nooooo! 

Yue can't bear to watch, but even still she's too frightened to shut her eyes. Everyone knows you can't look a demon in the eyes or they can cast all kinds of spells on you, but it's just as dangerous to look away from them altogether. But her heart is fluttering so badly she feels like she could faint! It's good enough to just look at that hand, right? It's right by her face, so it's... important t-to... um.

Oh. Oh wow. Why didn't anybody tell her that demons had such beautiful nails? So sharp and... and, what made them black like that? Were they painted? Did they grow like that on their own? But even more amazing are the fingers attached to them: so slender and pale, like moonbeams wrapped around serpents, and... wow. Wow. Gosh. Wow.

[i]In the night air I'll chase you
My Darling, My Darling...[/i]

Is this magic? Her heart keeps stuttering like it's forgetting how to work? The air feels all warm, and, and her face feels so hot, and... her eyes! She can't keep from looking, just a bit more. Across the wiry muscles of the arm that's got her trapped, around the shoulder that looks strong and steady enough to carry her weight all by itself, a-a-and... dipping below, where the tight leathers loosen and dip to show soft pillows of moonlit flesh, and around to the body that's so much bigger than hers, and so strong, and yet so... elegant, like with all her power had given her the ability to shape herself however she saw fit, and in her wisdom she'd chosen the natural strength and beauty of the wolf. 

Yue swallows, an act made ten times more difficult by the fact that her mouth has completely forgotten how to be anything other than a desert. Her eyes flicker up of their own accord and do the one thing she knew she must never risk. She gazes on the silver orbs set so precisely in front of hers, risking every evil charm she's ever read about in the process. Her frizzy, tired hair chooses this exact moment to go 'flumphing' across her face, which is suddenly burning fever-hot. Her hand trembles worse than Kat as she fights to brush it back out of her eyes without touching the silver wonder in front of her. A goofy smile steals its way across her face, awkward and adorable and showing off almost all of her (much flatter and less impressive) teeth.

She's doomed. Incredibly, horribly, awfully doomed. The stories all agree. Which is definitely, [i]definitely[/i] why she can't stop giggling. Right?

"Oh," she stammers, "Um. Well. I g-guess... you could eat me just a little bit. Um. If... if you wanted to. Th-that'd be ok."