
Before Chad could respond to Jamie beyond a smile and a wave, Joseph called out to them. [color=96eace]"Hey, Jamie! Chet! You guys got any plans on what to do yet? Because I don't really have any ideas except sleeping, or waiting for Starbuster to finish unpacking so I can obliterate him in beach volleyball."[/color] Jamie waved. Now they had a proper little group going!

[color=Goldenrod]“Joseph!”[/color] Jamie’s smile stretched a little wider at the sight of her friend. Oh, it was nice to see him. They hadn’t gotten to talk or hang out in a while- work had been getting in the way, as always. She clapped him on the shoulder, perhaps a bit harder than necessary. [color=Goldenrod] “I don’t really know what we’re gonna do. I was just asking Chad if he wanted to have a bit of fun.”[/color] She gestured to the teenager in front of her, eyes on Joseph. 

[color=a36209]"Actually, my name is Chad... Uh, I'd love to hang out with you guys! I was going to go to the gym, but I'd be cool with building sandcastles or playing Volleyball!"[/color] Jamie waited for him to continue, knowing that to interrupt would be rude. Duh! But Chad paused and stared off into space for a few moments more than normal before appearing to snap back into himself. [color=a36209]"I-I'm pretty good at Volleyball though, so watch out haha..."[/color]

A dramatic gasp from Jamie. He had to be kidding! [color=Goldenrod]“The gym? On [i]vacation[/i]?! You must be crazy. I don’t even go to the gym while I’m working.”[/color] Jamie shook her head and made tutting noises. [color=Goldenrod]“Come on. We’re gonna go have some [i]fun[/i] and play some volleyball. We don't have even numbers, but it's not really that big a deal. We'll just do a 2v1 or maybe a three-way. I’ll race you to the court!”[/color]

As soon as she finished her sentence, Jamie was off, jumping off the boardwalk and onto the sand, running as fast as she could to the volleyball courts.  Unbeknownst to her, Chad had super speed, making his win inevitable, but, well… racing was still fun! 
