So I haven't GMed an RP in a long time and this hardly really counts but I've got an idea I've been working around that I think could be some good fun. Here's the basic idea. The Brief Respite is a small tavern that people find themselves in when they're lost. Lost can mean a lot of things so some are there because they're literally lost and can't find the physical place they're looking for, some are lost because they can't make a decision, some are lost because they have made a decision and can't deal with the consequences. Some are lost in more philosophical ways. The Halfling bartender has a little spiel to explain things when folks walk through the door. There's probably more to it but I haven't thought much of that out yet. The idea is for folks to have their characters from other RPs come in and meet or for folks to use the current conversation or story to come up with a character and write a short story about that subject. It starts with "Lost" so folks would right a short story about their character coming into the bar, meeting the bartender, greeting the characters already there and telling their story. Once we've got a few participants we could have them start talking about something else which could be used as a new writing prompt.