[center][color=708090][h2][b]Hoshio Kikuchi[/b][/h2][/color][/center] As he meandered around the crowded meeting room, Hoshio soon saw the woman he was looking for. [color=708090][i]Ah, there’s the little fire-starter.[/i][/color] As he approached, he noticed her happily talking to another hunter, who turned out to be another of his team members. Handy, that. [color=708090]“Evening, you two. Mind telling me your names? I haven’t been sent any files or anything, and I don’t know either of you yet…”[/color] Well, the red-haired lady was familiar; if he wasn’t mistaken, she was May or Mai or something. Though maybe that was just a nickname? No way he'd know for sure. [color=708090]“Hmm, I don’t mind showing you around when there’s time,”[/color] he answered Mai’s question as he turned a displeased frown on Maria. [color=708090]“But first things first, Miss Firewings. If you do something so stupid as setting a whole building on fire again, I’m going to make sure you get zero pay. So keep that in mind whenever you feel like playing around again, huh?”[/color] Hoshio was obviously irritated, but after a headshake and a sigh, his weariness overcame his anger. He stretched his neck to the side with a creak, and retook a seat near the two women, facing ahead when Mako started her own speech. [color=708090]“Hey, hear that? She said [i]Mai’s team[/i],”[/color] he whispered to Mai while Mako was still relaying her instructions. [color=708090]“Maybe she actually wants [i]you[/i] to be the leader, hn? Feel like taking over?”[/color] he whispered, entirely willing to pass over the leadership, though his tone was teasing. Hoshio rolled his shoulders with a soft crack. [color=708090][i]Ah, a massage would do wonders right about now.[/i][/color] Instead of a relaxing break, they were just given another mission. [color=708090][i]Attacking a shrine…Bold. Have the seals not been maintained properly?[/i][/color] Hoshio frowned as he ruminated until the end of the meeting. At Mako’s given permission to leave, he startled and suddenly stood up. [color=708090]“Hey, you, did you hear that? An ambush. That means no fire, got it?”[/color] he turned to Maria, looking her over carefully. Honestly, he was slightly dubious she even knew the meaning of being stealthy, but since she was a pro, he wasn’t gonna needle her [i]too[/i] much about it. [color=708090]“I’ll swing around here by noon tomorrow, so make sure I can find you. I’ll drive us to the park, then we can walk. We can have lunch beforehand though. I sure as hell will,”[/color] he explained, concluding with a shrug.