
It came as a surprise to the druid though it was in no way unpleasant in the slightest. Vox must not be very people smart but the hunter must know lots of things about these woods. Not being without grace the goblin ate strips of the trout whild listening to Greslarch snarf down the meat Vox had given him, admittedly it tasted quite good as he had been eating meagrely since he departed from the burnt grove.

Heaving a sigh the druid turned watching Griz leave calling [color=c4df9b]"Ancestors blessing upon you Griz,"[/color] Twig said bidding the the other hunter farewell before turning his attention back to Brenden and Vox, Twig's eyes reflected the moon slowly rising as twilight dimmed [color=c4df9b]"The moon is a beautiful mysterious thing."[/color] the druid said admiring the slowly darkening sky.

With a long silence they ate, their silence broken only by the sounds of crickets and the whisper of a breeze yet Twig was first to break the quiet looking to Brenden and clearing his throat [color=c4df9b]"You should go check in with Siwa,"[/color]  Twig told him picking the last of the meat off the trout [color=c4df9b]"I need to speak with my apprentice in private Brenden,"[/color] standing Twig reached his hand forward [color=c4df9b]"Your help was greatly appreciated and I swear upon the soil I stand that I'll return the favor someday."[/color] he gestured with his hand a sign of oath before placing his hands back onto his lap.